path of exile 3.5 season - betrayal league is coming to an end in the upcoming season of the new season, so when is the start of the path of exile new 3.6 league? grinding gear games has announced it reveal the full details of our next expansion - path of exile 3.6.0 update on february 19th. here we...
2/18/2019 6:41:02 PM

the grinding gear games path of exile 3.6.0 expansion is coming! there are only a few days from the end of poe betrayal supporter packs. next, goldkk.com will bring you the path of exile upcoming timeline featuring 3.5 betrayal end time, poe 3.6.0 synthesis expansion released date and something you ...
2/18/2019 12:06:42 PM

Path Of Exile Tips & Tricks: All Incursion League Temple Rooms & Effects Guide
the incursion league in path of exile allows you to influence the construction of the temple of atzoatl through time travel. there are over 70 different rooms available, each with their own different effects on the temple. in this guide we have listed all available rooms and their effects for you.pa...
2/16/2019 5:18:49 PM

Path Of Exile Loot Filter 3.6 Guide: Download, Install And Use Item Filter To Loot Best Poe Items
loot filters are a very important thing in path of exile. with so many poe items dropping as your monster slaughters, it will become increasingly difficult to keep track. loot filters in path of exile 3.6 synthsis league allow you to save time by getting a better overview, make your game clearer and...
2/14/2019 10:45:14 PM

in path of exile, we need powerful gear to raid, if we only use orb of alteration, orb of alchemy and orb of chance,we would not become strong enough. in this guide, we will present you some useful methods to make top gears for your character in path of exile.when you played the game for a while, yo...
2/14/2019 9:45:59 PM

Path Of Exile: Few Players Have Ever Met The Syndicate Boss In Poe 3.5 Betrayal League
the current league of path of exile is in their last weeks, so the developers at grinding gear games take a closer look at the numbers from betrayal. more specifically, the ratio of syndicate shelters that players have stormed. in addition, they demonstrate how many players have mastered all the cha...
2/14/2019 11:41:56 AM

Path Of Exile Prophecy Guide - Best Useful Prophecies & Unique Items You Can Get From Them
there are a great many prophecies in path of exile which can unlock extra side missions for more loot or you can use them to seal a prophecy that you don’t want to do and get an poe item that way. which prophecies you should use your silver coins on and which are worth sealing? here we will present...
2/13/2019 4:34:54 PM

Best Path Of Exile 3.5 Betrayal League Starter Builds In Budget To Help You Survive In Poe
while the 3.4 delve extension was a big success for grinding gear games, the arrival of 3.5 deepens the endgame to offer even more challenge once you have completed the campaign. but maybe you're new or you want to resume the game without worrying too much about the mechanics (often complex) of the ...
2/5/2019 5:54:02 PM

in the previous article, we analyzed the basic attributes of poe gears. now, we talk about junior tips of making top equipment.this poe guide is written for new player, and you just need some orb of alteration, orb of alchemy and orb of chance. you don't need to buy poe currencies from poe stores on...
2/1/2019 5:52:30 PM

The Guide And Tips Of Making Path Of Exile Gears For New Players - Part I
hi guys, for poe gamers clearly understanding more complicated making gears methods to get more great top gears and gems level gears cheaply. i will show my experiences about it.1. number of affixesnormal items have no affixmagic items have one or both of a prefix and a suffixrare items may have max...
1/31/2019 5:53:41 PM

Path Of Exile Shape Maps Beginner Guide - How To Farm Poe Currency Fast In Mapping
path of exile shape maps can help to drop easy maps with more monsters, boss and make more currency. there are over 150 different maps in path of exile and it's not easy for a beginner to select which maps to shape and how to shape the atlas, here goldkk.com will introduce the path of exile shape ma...
1/29/2019 2:07:16 PM

Path Of Exile Shape & Seal Maps Tips & Tricks - Best Poe Maps To Shape
in path of exile, there are over 150 poe maps you can choose to play, with the terms of shaping your atlas, you can shape and seal one confirmed map, get one more high tier map with a layout that you’re fond of. to help the players know the atlas progress and map shaping/sealing in path of exile bet...
1/28/2019 11:57:03 PM

New Path Of Exile Currency Stash Tab Guide - How To Store More Poe Currency In The Stash Tab
path of exile items is not equipped according to the pattern of one slot one equipment. there is usually one piece of equipment occupies several pieces, which causes the poe beginners' stash tab is always unable to put down all items. it is very important to ensure that you have enough space to stor...
1/22/2019 5:17:05 PM

You Need To Know 8 Tips For Path Of Exile Beginner
if you first play path of exile, i will give you some tips that can help you master the game more easily and quickly. using these tips in the poe game, you will enjoy the game at once.1. making your gear have this item affix: x% increased rarity of items found as quickly as possible. when you having...
1/22/2019 11:52:53 AM

in the path of exile, gaining passive skill points and respec points is one of the primary ways for making your character stronger. you naturally cumulate poe skill points from leveling up as you advance in game, but you can also go out of your way to earn a few from quests! to help you farm path of...
1/22/2019 12:29:08 AM