
Path Of Exile Prophecy Guide - Best Useful Prophecies & Unique Items You Can Get From Them

2/13/2019 4:34:54 PM

there are a great many prophecies in path of exile which can unlock extra side missions for more loot or you can use them to seal a prophecy that you don’t want to do and get an poe item that way.  which prophecies you should use your silver coins on and which are worth sealing? here we will present the most useful poe prophecy, and also leave the main missions on maps you can unlock with the prophecies and get great loots.


path of exile best prophecy & loots

the most top prophecies and best loots you can get from them:

1. the queen's sacrifice - you will defeat the atziri, the queen of vaal in the alluring abyss, while you have the atziri’s reflection.

path of exile best prophecy - the queen's sacrifice - atziri’s reflection

2. trash to treasure - you will turn an ordinary thing into a unique thing with just one area of luck.

3. fated connections - using only the spheres of the goldsmith, you will create an object for six fully connected stones.


4. monstrous treasure - you will enter the map with the creatures standing in wait, open the chests protected by them and destroy everyone.

5. the king's path - you will defeat kaom as long as you have his ring - kaom’s way.

path of exile best prophecy - the king's path - kaom’s way

6. wind and thunder - on the map you will encounter a mighty charge discharges. slaying him, you take away a unique item - windripper imperial bow.

path of exile best prophecy - wind and thunder - windripper imperial bow

7. a vision of ice and fire - you will defeat sumter the corrupted while you have ice and fire.

path of exile best prophecy - a vision of ice and fire - frostferno leather hood

8. vaal winds - you will find the land with a storm of damage.

9. cleanser of sins - you will meet a mighty immortal theologian. slaying him, you take away a unique item.

path of exile best prophecy - cleanser of sins - tabula tasa simple robe

10. the jeweller's touch - using just one sphere of the goldsmith, you will create an object for five fully connected stones.

11. darktongue's shriek - you will defeat doedre the defiler while you have the screams of the wind.

path of exile best prophecy - darktongue's shriek - windshriek renforced greaves

12. twice enchanted - after completing the labyrinth, you will be able to use the enchantment machine twice.

13. the servant's heart - you will defeat fidelis with the help of the thundercloud.

path of exile best prophecy - the servant's heart - the tempest long bow

14. lost in the pages - on the map you will meet the mighty immortal archivist. slaying him, you take away a unique item.

path of exile best prophecy - lost in the pages - astraments onyx amulet

15. bountiful traps - you will enter the card with six additional caskets.

16. a dishonourable death - you will conquer the offended queen, as long as you have the hyrri’s demise.

path of exile best prophecy - dishonourable death - hyrri's demise

17. a master seeks help - you will meet zana / einara / alva / niko and complete her task.


path of exile prophecy main missions

also, the prophecies have 4 branches of quests, for each of which provide vendor recipes for crafting benckas well as a piece of the key, having collected which we get to the pale court for which you will get the coolest recipe for crafting benck.

and so the main quests:

the plaguemaw i - in the land of vaal you will meet a powerful golem and slay it.

the plaguemaw ii - in the crypt you will meet shadow monsters and fight them. you will meet the shadow monsters in the crypt, on the maps of the tomb, the cursed crypt or the necropolis, and slay them.

the plaguemaw iii - you will slay a great monster, and then you will be ambushed by the followers of the moroh maw.

the plaguemaw iv - in the imperial gardens, you will be ambushed by followers of the morovy maw. you will be ambushed by followers of the sea of mouth in the imperial gardens, on the maps of gardens, farmsteads, or orchards.

the plaguemaw v - you will enter the dwelling of the morov maw in the crystal vein or on the map of the crystal mine.


unbearable whispers i - you will find a book in the library. you will find a book in the library, on the maps of an academy, museum, or script.

unbearable whispers ii - you will find the book after you slay the monster in the finger of the lord. you will find the book after you slay the monster in the lord's fest, on the maps of a palace, residence, or manor.

unbearable whispers iii - you will kill shavronn and take her book.

unbearable whispers iv - you will slay a great monster and take his book.

unbearable whispers v - you will find a dangerous book in the last room of the labyrinth.


the feral lord i - in the southern forest you will meet defiled animals and slay them. you will meet the desecrated animals in the southern forest or on the map of a tropical island, and you will slay them.

the feral lord ii - in the northern forest you will meet a mighty beast and slay it. you will meet a mighty beast in the northern forest, on the maps of the jungle valley or the dark forest, and you will slay it.

the feral lord iii - on the dried lake you will meet desecrated animals and slay them. you will meet the desecrated animals on the dry lake, on the map of the desert or wasteland, and you will slay them.

the feral lord iv - within the borders of sarna you will find a very strong neck and fight it. you will find a very strong vulture within the boundaries of sarna or on the maps of sarna, and you will slay it.

the feral lord v - on the map of the mud geyser, you will find a very strong fiery roa and fight it.


the unbreathing queen i - in the ruins of a desecrated shrine you will meet ghosts and slay them. you will meet ghosts in the ruins of a desecrated shrine, on the graveyard or cemetery maps, and you will slay them.

the unbreathing queen ii - you will meet the hero's spirit in the maze of the ruler and defeat him.

the unbreathing queen iii - you will meet the spirit of the hero at lighthouse and defeat him. you will meet the spirit of the hero in the lighthouse or the map of the navigation tower, and defeat him.

the unbreathing queen iv - you will meet the spirit of the hero in the temple of decay and defeat him. you will meet the spirit of the hero in the temple of decomposition or on the map of the spider tomb, and defeat him.

the unbreathing queen v - you will beat the breathless queen in the pogost map.


all poe prophecies you can find on our path of exile database, current prices for prophecies you can check out on poe exchange rate