
ACNH Build-A-Bear Collection: Release Date, Issuing Regions & Details | Animal Crossing Tips

3/16/2021 3:40:33 PM

Build-A-Bear announced that an official Animal Crossing: New Horizons collection will soon be available in the US and UK. So far it has not been revealed which residents will be available, but interested parties can register for a free e-mail newsletter. We assume that popular Animal Crossing characters like Isabella, Tom Nook, K. K. Slider, or Raymond will be available at Build-A-Bear, but we are also open to further suggestions.

ACNH Build-A-Bear Collection

When Will Animal Crossing Build-A-Bears Collection Be On Sale?

Build-A-Bear Workshop announced that it will have a line of plushies inspired by Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and that it will arrive "very soon." For now, not many more details about the ACNH Build-A-Bears release date were revealed, nor was it clarified which characters we will see as part of the collection. Instead, the company suggests that interested parties join its mailing list to receive details as soon as they are available.

From the official account of the company, they tweeted: “Soon! Our Animal Crossing: New Horizons collection is full of fun for all ages. Subscribe for free to receive emails and text messages so you don't miss a thing! " with a website for accounts in the United States, and another in the United Kingdom.

Which Animal Crossing Characters Will Be In The Build-A-Bears Collection?

Due to the limited information disclosed, we are currently not sure which Animal Crossing NPC characters and villagers will be involved. But we can expect that regular NPCs like Tom Nook, Isabelle, Timmy, Tommy, etc. will be snapped up, and some of the villagers that are beloved by players will also be selected from the 397 villagers. What’s more, we hope to see optional extras such as Animal Crossing New Horizons clothing and even other accessories.

Which Areas Will ACNH Build-A-Bear Collection Available?

For regional availability, Build-A-Bear Workshop has made the announcement public on both the United States and United Kingdom websites meaning we can expect the collection to be available in at least these two countries, but hopefully more.

About Build-A-Bears WorkShop

One of the most sympathetic curiosities of the northern hemisphere is the Build-A-Bear Workshop, where children go through an interactive process where they can build their ideal teddy bear, with the characteristics of their choice. On several occasions, the store collaborated with Nintendo for some special lines, including the work they did with Pokémon. However, now the most important game of Nintendo in the last couple of years, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, is added, the collaboration seems like a match made in heaven.

In the last decade, and most especially in the last couple of years, Build-A-Bear has gotten more and more geeky, so to speak. In addition to the aforementioned line based on Pokémon, with many accessories, there was also a Baby Yoda. In 2020 they had a special event to create a Sonic plush toy. The grace of this type of collaboration with the chain is that instead of being the teddy in its most basic version, you can make versions that have accessories chosen by you, and even include voice lines or the ability to play music. Anyway, the important thing is that if you want a stuffed animal, you can do it yourself and not have to buy the labor and exploitation of some neocolony in Southeast Asia.

We don't really have any more details other than this sadly, so it's a very vague kind of thing and at the moment, we're mostly just going to have to kind of guess what they're going to do with this sadly, but ae are sure we'll get more information soon as you can see on their official website: you can actually put in your email address and you can get notified when there is more news. 

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