
Top 3 Most Overpowered Elden Ring Builds - Talismans, Stats, Weapons Of Rivers of Poison Build, Sleep Build & More

7/7/2022 5:05:30 PM

Today we are going to be presenting top 3 most overpowered builds in Elden Ring. We list each build talismans, playstyle and recommended various weapons & gears to add to your arsenal and get you started with whichever path you plan for your character to go down. 

Elden Ring Top 3 Most Overpowered Builds For PVP 

The best Elden Ring builds vary from player to player and what they want to achieve. Depending on whether you want to fight PVE enemies and bosses or go up against PVP players in Elden Ring, you'll need to build a loadout specifically to accommodate for those opponents and help you thrive against your foes.

1. Insanely Overpowered Build In Elden Ring

There are plenty of builds out there in Elden Ring, some of them overpowered some of them are useless. But no other build can come close to how much damage you get using this one, just be sure to get every item in this list as each item works in harmony with the other and they all begin stacking, making you more powerful with each swing.


- Vigor: 60

- Mind: 77

- Endurance: 43 

- Strength: 35

- Dexterity: 70

- Intelligence: 7

- Faith: 16

- Arcane: 99


Scavenger’s Curved Sword

This is an incredibly simple weapon to find, it isn't hidden behind a boss or a ridiculous labyrinth of a dungeon, it's just outside sitting on a dead body. There are a few ways to do this, if you're in new game plus, it's likely that you would have picked one up in your travels before. So you'll simply need to head over and grab it again. 

Ash of War & Affinity

Bloodhound’s Step (right hand)

Seppuku (left hand)


  • White Mask

This boosts damage when blood loss is in the vicinity. This boosts your damage by 10%. To get the white mask, you'll need to do Verre's quest line and be rewarded with the pure blood knights medal, use it to teleport and fight the three invaders in the blood pool.

  • Raptor’s Black Feather

This enhances jump attacks, this boosts damage by 15%. You can get the raptor’s black feather armor here.

Elden Ring overpowered build Raptor’s Black Feather

  • Maliketh’s Armor

For your hands and feet, choose anything that offers a nice chunk of damage negation without causing you to fat roll. So go with Maliketh’s armor.


- Lord of Blood’s Exultation

- Claw Talisman

- Rotten Winged Sword Insignia 

- Millicent's Prosthesis


Green Burst Crystal Tear 

Thorny Cracked Tear

How Does This Build Work?

Before you walk into the boss room, get seppuku done, drink your flask of wondrous physic, head in and just start jumping at the boss and hitting l1 for playstation and lb for xbox. This hits the boss with an attack that strikes them four times which triggers everything you're wearing related to successive attacks. The seppuku and the natural blood loss of the curved swords will trigger everything you're wearing that boosts attack power when blood loss is in the vicinity, your high level arcane will boost that, as well as the sword's initial damage due to the occult affinity. And then the jump you're doing before the attack is triggering everything you're wearing that boosts jump attacks. With each jump strike, you'll do more and more damage and it should only take a few hits to take down your enemy.


2. Rivers Of Poison Build Guide 

For everyone that hates the rivers of blood users in pvp and wants to beat them at their own game, this is for you. They will not see this coming at all. Alternatively, if you're just looking to rinse a boss easily and spamming, rivers of blood is getting a bit boring for you, this is also for you. Although it works like rivers of blood, this new rivers of poison build has enough variety to keep the game fun and keep your pvp opponents guessing and here is exactly what you need.


  • Nagakiba Katana 

It's the insanely long one with more range than a bow and arrow. It's super simple to find, it isn't hidden behind a boss fight or the far end of an end game area. From the first step sight of grace, simply run over to mark water cave, you'll be invaded by an npc. If you leave it long enough a hunter npc called yora will spawn in to help, after killing the invader euro will be standing against the wall to the north, kill him and he'll drop the naga keeper. You're going to need two of these, there are a few ways to do this. If you're in new game plus, it's likely that you've picked one up in your travels before. So you'll simply need to head over and grab it again. 

  • Ash of War & Affinities 

The Nagakiba actually does a good amount of bleed damage which is a great little boost. The high arcane is going to help boost that as well as the poison you'll be adding later. Four ashes of war put double slash on your right hand. This will imitate the exact movement that the rivers of blood does. For the affinity, you're going to choose poison and on your left, this is going to be your secret weapon that catches enemies off guard equip the spinning slash ash of war and choose the poison affinity again. This is great for enemies that try to close the gap and get real close. Simply one hand your left the Nagakiba and spam the spinning slash ash of war for an easy kill. You can find the double slash ash of war in celia understand just climb on top of the route that spans the town and run to the west. You'll see one of those bugs just kill it. For the spinning slash ash of war, it's sold by knight bernahl at the war masters shack for 1200 runes. The high level arcane is really going to come in handy for both ashes of war. 


  • Mushroom Crown 

For your helm, you'll want to use the mushroom crown, this boosts damage when poison is in the vicinity, it will boost your damage by 10%. The mushroom crown can be found on a corpse hanging off of a pillar ruin in the south eastern corner of lake rot.

  • Crucible Knight Armor

For the chest hands and feet, you're going to want something to give you a decent poise level without causing you to fat roll. Go with the Crucible Knight armor, but anything will do. The reason for the high poise is due to being vulnerable when doing the spinning slash attack. However, not that many players will be able to hit you because this attack is more likely to break enemy poise anyway. 


  • Radagon’s Soreseal

This gives a +5 to the attributes vigor, endurance, strength and dex. The trade-off here is that you take an extra 15% damage but you're not going to get hit very much. You can get a hold of the soreseal at fort faroth in k-lid. If you don't like the idea of 15% extra damage, we'd suggest swapping out Radagon’s Soreseal for milicent prosthesis. This boosts successive attacks as well as dex. you can get this by killing millicent at the windmill village site of grace during her questline or siding against her at the end of our questline.

  • Kindred of Rot’s Exultation

This gives a 20% boost to attacks when poison or rot is in the vicinity spoiler alert, there will always be poison or rot in the vicinity. You can get the kindred of rots exhortation from the kindred of rot in seethewater cave.

  • Shard of Alexander

It greatly raises the attack power of skills which again we're always going to be using the skills. To get the shard of Alexander, you'll need to do his quest line, the final location for alexander will be in the crumbling farum zula. 

  • Ratten Winged Sword Insignia

It greatly raises attack power with successive attacks. The attack boost will start at 6% but keep climbing to a whopping 22 % with each hit. The rotten wings sword insignia can be earned by siding with millicent at the end of her quest in the hallick tree. 

Great Rune

- Godrick's Rune: This boosts all of your attributes by 5 and you really can't go wrong with that. 


- Stonebarb Cracked Tear: It is incredibly important to use as it helps with breaking enemy poise and whenever you use this spinning slash attack, this is going to double your chances.

- Thorny Cracked Tear: It makes consecutive attacks grow stronger, the longer they continue which is exactly what you're going to be doing the whole time. This will stack on top of the near 100% damage boost you're getting from everything else. There are more intricate and impressive ways that these items are stacking together.

How Does Rivers of Poison Build Work In Elden Ring?

So how does this build work? Before you walk into the boss room or start swinging your sword at an enemy player, drink your wondrous physic and you're ready to go. Start spamming l2 for playstation or lt for xbox, this will use the double slash ash of war, it hits the enemy with an attack that strikes them 4 to 5 times, which triggers everything that boosts successive attacks. The poison caused by the sword will also kick in and that will trigger everything that boosts attack power when poison is in the vicinity. Your high level arcane will then boost that and the small amount of blood loss on the swords. Then your secret weapon switching to your left blade and spamming the spinning slash ash of war will also trigger everything, but it will also break the enemy's poise which is made even easier thanks to the stone barb cracked. And then spamming it again will likely kill your opponent before they even know what hit them. If they do manage to get out alive, they'll be heavily poisoned. With each strike you do, the more damage you'll do and everything will continue stacking, so it'll only be a matter of time before you win the fight.

3. Elden Ring Instant Sleep Build 

Sleep builds in Elden Ring have been a little underwhelming. You have the sword of centrino that it gives an output of around 60 sleep damage, so you'd have to dual wield if you wanted anything even slightly decent which would obviously mean running through the game. Here’s everything you're gonna need for this build.


  • Ripple Crescent Halberd

This weapon scales completely with arcane and when maxed out has an s-tier scale ranking. To get this weapon, you can find a group of three albinauric frog men who wield it at the first ruin just to the east of the fallen ruins of the lake site of grace in leonie. The drop rate is pretty decent, if you've cranked up your arcane stat, then you'll likely get two of the weapons in your first few tries.


  • Mask of Confidence

It boosts arcane by 3, you can use the silver tier mask for an eight-point boost in arcane, but it does cut your physical damage output by 5%. This shouldn't be an issue because our weapons do scale fully with arcane, but you can make that cool for yourself. You can get the mask of confidence and you can get the silver tier mask.

  • Maliketh’s Armor

For the rest of the armor, just equip something that offers a decent armor rating without causing you to fat roll. 

Great Rune 

Godrick’s Great Rune


- Thorny Cracked Tear: This will boost attack power with successive attacks. The good news here is there will always be successive attacks. 

- Green Burst Crystal Tear: This booster stamina recovery which due to those successive attacks. 


Shard of Alexander 

Millicent's Prosthesis 

Rotten Winged Sword Insignia

Goldskin Swadding Cloth

Carian Filigreed Crest 


- Soporific Grease: You'll need as much soporific grease as you can carry. You can craft this after you get the cookbook from the isolated merchant located down the east path after entering the academy of raya lucaria.

How Does Sleep Build Work In Elden Ring?

So how does it work and why are we choosing weapons with sleep grease over weapons that do passive sleep damage? Because the rippled crescent halberd has an s scaling in arcane, not only do they hit insanely hard when your arcane level is high, but they also significantly boost the amount of sleep build up to insane levels. Even the enemies that aren't as susceptible to the sleep effect are still affected, some bosses stand there stunned leaving just enough time for you to hit them which snaps them out of it but then puts them straight back in. You have two options for hitting the enemies, l1 for playstation or lb for xbox to hit them with both of your weapons. This is usually what puts the enemy to sleep the quickest. Then once they're out for the count, follow up with two taps of the halberd's spinning skill for big damage. This works especially well in pvp, as well as the crazy two-hit sleep damage these things hit hard. Once you've used your wondrous physics these three different items begin stacking again and again with successive attacks. So definitely don't sleep on this build.

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