
Elden Ring Faith Build Guide (Level 150) - Best Endgame Reaper Of Death Build In Elden Ring

7/7/2022 3:54:20 PM

Today, we'll take a look at the best Elden Ring end game build, an updated Reaper of Death build for level 150. This Elden Ring faith build by the way leaves a lot of room for. Stay tuned to find out how are you running this setup.


Elden Ring Faith Build Guide (Level 150) - Best Endgame Reaper Of Death Build

When building the Reaper of Death in Elden Ring, this absolutely needed to use a scythe as the main weapon. Now the winged sight that we used initially with this build served us pretty well early on. But it eventually gets outclassed by other weapons and skill combinations. Besides, we also wanted a lot more control over what came out of it. which is why we switched to the grave scythe likely the best reaper weapon in all Elden Ring. It looks even more appropriate for the theme we're going with has some of the best base damage in the game, even compared to other weapon categories. Now let's check the weapons, attributes, and tips you need to make the best end game build in Elden Ring.


Elden Ring Reaper Of Death Build Gear

Ash of Wars

The phantom slash fits the build idea perfectly and it's a very strong skill to have. When using it, you summon a spectral form that charges forward and deals damage with the weapon you currently have on you, which is then followed by your own character performing a similar attack. You can also follow up with a second cast at the end of the first one to finish off any enemy with a strike down. That's also again initiated by the spectral form and then followed by your own character. The reason why phantom slash is so fitting with the build isn't just because of the phantom you cast, but also because of the utility of the skills. It's an amazing gap closer between you and your enemy. 

Often times even a way to dodge incoming attacks, especially since you can then follow up with a charge which kind of like moves your character forward almost instantly. Even if you get interrupted midway though which makes this even more interesting. That spectral form will still continue to deal its damage as if it was never interrupted. In fact, it has no problem to hit enemies through walls or obstacles when your character might not otherwise. Now it does require a bit of time to get used to this skill there is a wind-up on it you should be aware of and you can also miss if the enemy moves by the time you land it. So eventually, you will have to learn and nail down these movements, but it's totally worth it. Because if you do it at target, it hits like a truck dealing over 5k easily, even on some of these enemies. 

Basically, every attack that you do is doubled by the ghost that you summon, including the full weapon damage and whatever other enchants that you have on your weapon. When you use this ability, this is especially useful against some of the enemies in Lindell, especially some of those well knight enemies that tend to either cast spells or shield blocks. It seems that phantom slash will trigger much faster than their attacks. Because your phantom strikes first, it opens up enemies for following attacks or makes them waste a shield block that you can then bypass yourself and deal that damage and still have options for the follow-up.


We also wanted to include a black flame tornado ash of war. But we do not want to sacrifice the phantom slash on the grave scythe. Luckily the godskin peeler has that same skill by default. It's still enchantable and it also drops much earlier than if you were to take the ash over the counterpart that comes from crumbling Azula. In fact, it also deals with about the same amount of damage. Have the peeler as the secondary weapon to the grave site.


The reason why we're switching to the peeler is because it's one of the highest damage abilities in the entire game with a high faith build. There are certain situations when switching to more damage and less utility might be needed. This is further coupled with a flame of the redmanes. Because we only need the flame of the redmanes's component of it to stun the enemy. This is the best way right now in Elden Ring to fully stun any enemy in just a couple of shots.


Buffs & Support Skills

In terms of the other skills that we use to buff up our damage because we apply the ash of war with a non-magical affinity. This leaves us room to apply, while any magical type of enchant on the weapon. In this case, we are using the blood flame blade incantation that we further buff not just in terms of normal damage, but also for the fire damage component with the flame, grant me strength. Both of which will actually last for a very long time over a minute each. This coupled with the innate bleed on the gravesite has by default earned you a proc of a bleed within just two attacks or while four hits. If you count the individual hits from your character and from the phantom, it's always going to be that extra damage that you get on top very helpful and oftentimes interrupts enemies' attacks. Especially on some of the tougher bosses, they usually do a swing, and because the bleed procs on the fourth hit, they just get stunned momentarily, and then you can follow up maybe with some other types of attacks.



At the same time, we're also making use of the erdtree seal. With this level of faith of about 80, it seems that the erdtree seal simply outperforms the other one, even for black flame related incantations. That's likely because of the difference in faith scaling that you have with the erdtree and not with the other. Because we also use other damage sources outside of the black flame damage, keep the erdtree seal and make that the main one you will use with this Elden Ring best end game build. 



As far as the talismans go, there are only two over here that are really mandatory including the shard of alexander to buff up that skill damage on the weapon and the fire scorpion charm since we're doing so much fire damage. Either from that enchantment on the weapon or simply from the black flames. The rest is up to you if you want soreseals for more hp stats or just more hp or defense-oriented talismans or if you want a certain type of stats to mix in with. 



Two incantations that we use with this Reaper of Death build, one of them is the black flame and the other one is the black blade. Black flame is to keep as a buffer when you can get close to the enemy and you still want some ranged options to take the enemies down. It definitely comes in quite handy. But the black blade on the other hand is the cherry on top. Even though technically speaking, this is usually what you cast at the start of a fight. The reason being is because this removes a huge chunk of the enemy's hp over a pretty long duration. Especially against some of the wild bosses in the game, if you cast this two times, literally half of their hp is gone in just an instant. It also works against the Elden boss by the way despite technically qualifying as holy damage. Couple this with the black knife summons and you will literally burn a ton of its hp at one point over 10k in one of its last phases. This is still on top of that hp reduction that you are able to provide on top.


Elden Ring Best Build For End Game Stats

Vigor - 40

Mind - 30

Endurance - 30

Strength - 22

Dexterity - 15

Intelligence - 7

Faith - 75

Arcane - 10

Level 150 Elden Ring faith build is aiming for 80 caps into faith. Go with 75 points into that and make the last of the five with a marika’s soreseal. Meanwhile, we suggest having a bit more points in mind, simply because some of these spell combos might be a bit too costly for 30 points into mind or 35 with a soreseal. Vigor we usually aim for the cap of just 40. However, everything else again is a matter of choice. Maybe a few more points into dexterity, so that you don't have to worry about equipping that godskin peeler.

Elden Ring Best Faith Build Gameplay Tips & Strategies

If there's any boss that moves too much and you want to stop it to kind of unleash that black flame tornado. This is the way we are doing it, immediately switching back to that peeler. Then just unleashing the whole tornado for at least 10k damage depending on the enemy. Usually for bosses like Maliketh who is notoriously mobile and a high damage boss. This setup completely counters him, it takes just a few seconds to completely push him in the second phase and then a few more seconds to completely annihilate him from that point on. If you go against bosses that don't require this setup, go with the scythe and that spectral attack instead. If it is a problem with the movement then switch to the redmanes plus the black flame tornado. 


LVL 150 Reaper of death is the Elden Ring best build for end game. If you are tired of griding for Elden Ring runes, goldkk.com sells cheap Elden Ring runes with huge stock and fast delivery!

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