
Diablo 2 Resurrected Gear Guide - Upgrade Guide Gear Section

2/28/2022 2:45:03 PM

As a Diablo 2 resurrected player, you may hit a lot of gold gear on your way up the ladder, how not with the good Diablo 2 items? Today we have listed the necessary D2R gear, items for reference.


Diablo 2 Resurrected Gear Guide -Gear Upgrade In Diablo 2

About gold Gear: roughly speaking, the useful gold Gear in D2R is shoes, rings, necklaces, belts, gloves, weapons, and beads (JEW).

- Shoes: 

30 fast running maximum / 10 strike recovery / plus life / plus mana / plus maximum 4X single resistance / up to 7Dexterity / restore life / up to 75% reduction in poison damage sustained / other ice cold, lightning damage, but the general is just excessive supplies.

- Belt: 

Up to 24 Strike Recovery/up to 30 Strength/Restoring Life/up to 60 Life/Magic/Resistance, ditto for the average which is also an overkill d2r items.

- Ring:

10 Fast Casting / 120+ Accuracy / 20+ Strength / 10+ Dexterity / up to 60 Life / up to 90 Mana / Steal Life 8 / Steal Mana 6 / Full Resist up to 11, Single Resist up to 4X.

- Gloves:

ASN Martial Arts +2/AMA Javelin, Bow +2/3 Steal Life/3 Steal Mana/15Strength/15Dexterity.

- Weapons:

5% chance of Damage Deepening/Something Skill +2/Up to 450ED (Enhanced Damage)/Up to AR, Max Damage by Level/Up to 40IAS (Attack Boost)/Invisible with Auto Repair. (Character-specific skills will appear on Character-specific Gear, depending on each Character's major Required/Requirement)

- Necklace: 

2 skills / 10 quick cast / otherwise similar to ring

- Belt: 

Sharkskin belt/vampire belt (light buckle belt is 2 tier) + Perfect Amethyst + 6#ITH + JEW = belt with max 10 fast casting, the belt is more suitable for magic type Characters like BH PAL.

- Gloves: 

Heavy Gloves/Sharkskin Gloves/Vampire Skeleton Gloves + Perfect Ruby + 4#NAF+JEW = Gloves with up to 10% CB (Crushing Blow) for melee Characters.

- Knockback Gloves:

Are made with Chain Gloves/Heavy Bracelets/Vampire Gloves + Perfect Sapphire + 9#ORT + JEW CUBE.

It's best to CUBE with essence level materials, after all, we don't have that much PG to consume on this, and don't CUBE necklaces until you're level 90, go gambling to get most of the necklaces out of the level is not enough to get +2 skills. 

The actual CUBE necklace is a great way to get the most out of your life.

- Other Gear: 

Add 2Strength and add 2Dexterity SC small amulet to keep, 8 ~ 11 single resistance of small amulet also keep, 11 highest. Keep the SC that adds 15~20 life as well, 20 being the highest. There are also no variables for 3 Quick Run, 5 Strike Recovery, but it's good to have other attributes, oversized single resistance up to 30, full resistance up to 15, life up to 45, 7 Quick Run, 12 Strike Recovery.

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