
ACNH January 2022 Update Guide: New Events, Items, DIYs and More in Animal Crossing

12/9/2021 4:47:37 PM

Happy New Year to all of you in advance! Once the new year arrives in Animal Crossing New Horizons, it’s time for new seasonal items, events, DIY recipes, and critters to collect or join in. At this ACNH January 2022 update guide, we’ll go through each of the new items you can get in this month and other additions, featuring 2.0 New Year’s Day items and seasonal DIYs. 

acnh January 2022 update

ACNH January 2022 Update - Animal Crossing January Events and Items 2022

As January is the beginning of one year, you don’t want to miss the biggest celebration - New Year’s Day, then what news you can get after the 2.0 update?  

1. New Year’s Day - January 1

The first big event for Animal Crossing New Horizons 2022 is New Year’s Day, following the New Year’s Eve Countdown, which allows players to celebrate the new year with others in the game. A selection of four New Year’s items will be available to purchase at Nook Stop during a limited time using Animal Crossing bells

ACNH New Year’s Day Items 2022

Yut Nori

2022 Celebratory Arch (New)

Zodiac Tiger Figurine (New)

When to get: December 22, 2021, to January 5, 2022

2. Shōgatsu - January 1

Three seasonal items will be available for the celebration of the Japanese New Year - Shōgatsu, Kadomatsu, and New Year's Shimekazar are decoration items and Kagamimochi is a type of food. For 2022 New Year, two additional items added through 2.0 Free Update. 

Shōgatsu seasonal items:



New Year's Shimekazari

Otoshidama Envelope (New)

Osechi (New)

When to get: December 22, 2021, to January 5, 2022

3. Fishing Tourney - January 9

If you are going to continue to participate in the Fishing Tourney, note each date it occurs. 

4. Big Game (Super Bowl) - January 15

Big Game is a seasonal event that was introduced in ACNH 1.7 update for celebrating the American football event, the different types of Cheer Megaphone items and Football Rug will be on sale for a whole month.  

Big Game seasonal items:

Fiery Cheer Megaphone

Football Cheer Megaphone

Glittery Cheer Megaphone

Starry Cheer Megaphone

Football Rug

When to get: January 15 to February 15

5. Setsubun (Bean Day) - January 25

Setsubun is another Nook Shopping seasonal event added in the 1.7 Update, also known as Bean Day, actually, it takes place on February 3 for welcoming the Spring, but players can purchase the Bean-Tossing Kit item from January 25, it is only available for several days. 

Setsubun seasonal items:

Bean-Tossing Kit

When to get: January 25 to February 3

6. Groundhog Day - January 25

You can also celebrate Groundhog Day from January, which occurs on February 2. 

Groundhog Day seasonal items:

Resetti Model

When to get: January 25 to February 2

ACNH January 2022 Update - Animal Crossing January DIY Recipes 2022

Starting from December, ACNH players can collect snowflakes and ornaments as the main crafting materials for two Winter seasonal recipes, and DIY Animal Crossing New Horizons items included in the festive and frozen set items. Since 2.0 Free Update, we have a collection of new items that can be crafted. 

1. Winter Ice/Frozen Snowflake DIY Recipe

Northern Hemisphere: December 11 to February 24

Southern Hemisphere: June 11 to August 24

Crafting materials: Snowflake, Large Snowflakes, etc.

Ice Frozen Furniture Set Items & DIYs:

- Frozen Mini Snowperson: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×2 (New)

- Frozen Fence: Snowflake ×5 (New)

- Frozen Floor Tiles: Snowflake ×8 (New)

- Snowflake Wreath: Snowflake ×4

- Ski Slope Flooring: Snowflake ×8

- Ski Slop Wall: Snowflake ×8

- Iceberg Flooring: Snowflake ×10

- Iceberg Wall: Snowflake ×10

- Snowflake Pochette: Snowflake ×6

- Snowflake Wall: Snowflake ×12

- Falling-Snow Wall: Snowflake ×3, Stone ×10

- Frozen Arch: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×10

- Frozen Bed: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×10

- Frozen Chair: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×3

- Frozen Counter: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×5

- Frozen Partition: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×6

- Frozen Pillar: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×3

- Frozen Sculpture: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×4

- Frozen Table: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×8

- Frozen Tree: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×8

- Frozen-Treat Set: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×1

- Ice Flooring: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×8

- Ice Wall: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×8

- Ice Wand: Large Snowflake ×1, Star Fragment ×3

- Snowman Head: Snowman Hat: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×5

- 3 Tier Snowman: Large Snowflake ×1, Snowflake ×6, Tree Branch ×2

2. Christmas Festive Ornament DIY Recipe

Available Time: December 15 to January 6 (Both Hemisphere)

Crafting materials: Red Ornament, Blue Ornament, Gold Ornament

Festive Set Items and DIYs:

- Ornament table lamp: Red Ornament ×2, Iron Nugget ×2 (New)

- Giant ornament: Red Ornament ×10 (New)

- Ornament Garland: Red Ornament ×2, Blue Ornament ×2, Gold Ornament ×2, Iron Nugget ×5 (New)

- Ornament tree: Red Ornament ×3, Blue Ornament ×2, Gold Ornament ×1, Iron Nugget ×3 (New)

- Ornament crown: Red Ornament ×3, Blue Ornament ×3, Gold Ornament ×3 (New)

- Ornament Wreath: Blue Ornament ×6, Gold Ornament ×2

- Big Festive Tree: Red Ornament ×6, Blue Ornament ×6, Gold Ornament ×4, Wood ×5, Clay ×5

- Festive Rug: Red Ornament ×5, Blue Ornament ×5, Gold Ornament ×5

- Festive Top Set: Gold Ornament ×2, Hardwood ×1

- Festive Tree: Red Ornament ×3, Blue Ornament ×3, Gold Ornament ×2, Wood ×5

- Holiday Candle: Red Ornament ×5, Clump of Weeds ×5

- Illuminated Present: Red Ornament ×3, Gold Ornament ×4, Iron Nugget ×3

- Illuminated Reindeer: Gold Ornament ×6, Iron Nugget ×5

- Illuminated Snowflakes: Blue Ornament ×9, Iron Nugget ×3

- Illuminated Tree: Red Ornament ×8, Blue Ornament ×8, Gold Ornament ×6, Iron Nugget ×6

- Jingle Wall: Red Ornament ×5, Blue Ornament ×5, Gold Ornament ×5, Clay ×5

- Ornament Mobile: Red Ornament ×1, Blue Ornament ×1, Gold Ornament ×1, Tree Branch ×4

- Tabletop Festive Tree: Gold Ornament ×5, Tree Branch ×3, Clay ×2

- Festive Wrapping Paper: Red Ornament ×1, Blue Ornament ×1, Gold Ornament ×1 

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