
ACNH May Day 2021 Maze Walkthrough Tips - How To Get Rover's Rewards In Animal Crossing New Horizons?

4/30/2021 5:04:54 PM

Guide to May Day 2021 in Animal Crossing: New Horizons: how to walk through Rover's maze and get rewards.

ACNH May Day 2021 Maze Walkthrough

Animal Crossing New Horizons 2021 May Day Tour Maze Walkthrough

The May Day Tour has returned this 2021 with some changes including a brand new exclusive Animal Crossing items to unlock, we will take a look at all the details you need to know about the event, how to complete the maze and share some tips and tricks. 

This time, the information focuses on the May Day event, included in the 1.10.0 update. As you know, this event offers us a new labyrinth island where we will meet Rover to get a reward from her part. It is a different maze from last year, and this time it is based on the following (available from April 29 to May 7 or available now traveling in time).

How To Start The May Day Tour?

Starting on April 29th until May 7th, when you turn on the game you'll be greeted by Isabella who will let you know that a new May Day Tour has actually opened up, courtesy of Nook inc. You won't be able to time travel back to the May Day Tour that happened in 2020 but it seems like you have a chance to get last year's prize if you missed out on that one so stay tuned for more details about that. 

  • If you want you can head to tonic first and have a chat with him about the tour but this isn't actually required as the May Day Tour Ticket will be automatically available at the airport counter a change which has happened in this event. 

  • Head there and have a chat with Orville who let you know that you can embark upon a very exciting free May Day Tour, you can choose to go whenever you'd like, just make sure you go before May 7th or it won't be available. Just remember you can't bring along any items in your pockets with you to the tour, so no cheating by bringing your best tools along. 

  • Once you arrive on the island you'll be greeted by Wilbur who will let you know about the tour and also give you any hints that you might need about the maze that you're about to embark upon. 

How To Restart May Day Maze?

An important detail that you might want to know is that if you mess up the tour somehow, you can actually use the rescue service app that's on your phone to reset the entire tour.

How To Walkthrough The May Day Maze?

Main Objective & Items To Collect For Solving The Maze

  • The main objective of this maze is for you to navigate your way around it collecting fruit which you can use to dig up trees and explore even further. 

  • You'll also have to collect different resources which you can find laying around on the ground via the different paths and also find some tools which will help you navigate around the maze. 

  • You'll need the materials to craft a ladder which is going to be an essential part of this experience as it'll help you reach vital fruit which you'll need to get through the maze.

Steps To Solve May Day (2021) Maze

Overall this maze isn't too complicated but if you do find yourself struggling, follow the below guide to walkthrough it fast:

  • 1. Take the shovel that you will find as soon as you arrive and with it, make your way to get pears (or the fruit that touches you), eat those pears to access more areas and get the necessary materials to build a ladder (4 woods normal, 4 flexible woods and 4 rigid woods)

  • 2. When you have the ladder, use it to climb to higher areas

  • 3. The first high area to which you must climb is the one with a tool: a battered single-use ax that you must use to cut down a tree that allows access to a high area that has two pears and a bush

  • 4. Keep getting more pears and making your way until you reach the elevated area where Fran is and talk to him

  • 5. With the leftover pears, you can break the rocks at the edges of the maze to get up to 9 Bell vouchers  (first break the rocks on the top edge and then the rocks on the bottom edge)

  • 6. Receive the rewards: Return to your island and, the next day, Fran will send you her photo by mail and Dodo Airlines your Bell vouchers also by mail. If you didn't participate in last year's event, Rover just sends you her suitcase

In case you have any questions, here we leave you with the video that includes the entire tour:

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