
How To Get Maximum Star Fragments Spawn In Animal Crossing New Horizons | ACNH Meteor Shower Guide

4/14/2021 3:16:00 PM

In this guide, we are going over how to get maximum star fragments from a meteor shower in Animal Crossing New Horizons. 

Animal Crossing Star Fragments

Star Fragments are little magical items that wash up on your beaches after a night of wishing on shooting stars, they glow at night and are used as crafting materials for various Space, Zodiac and star themed DIYs that you can acquire from Celeste. Also, you can sell them for Animal Crossing bells. For a long time, it was unclear how many star fragments you will receive after night of wishing on stars. Luckily, we will break down everything you need to know to get as many star fragments as possible to wash up on your beaches the next day.

Animal Crossing New Horizons Shooting Stars (Meteor Shower) Happening Time

Before we get into how to maximize your star fragment yield, you first need to have a meteor shower on your island:

  • You should average two smaller meteor showers per week and one large meteor shower per month.

  • You will know when your island will experience a large meteor shower since Isabelle will announce it in her daily announcement; the only time Isabella will not announce a large meteor shower is if there is another event happening on your island that same day, for example Isabel will not announce the meteor shower if you have a campsite villager visiting or if one of your villagers is moving out.

  • Large meteor showers are easy to spot and they will occur between the hours of 7 pm and 4 am, smaller meteor showers are easier to miss since the shooting stars fall more sporadically but they will still fall between the hours of 7 pm and 4 am.

ACNH Shooting Stars

Make Wish For Animal Crossing New Horizons Star Fragments

Once you have your meteor shower, you can start wishing on stars by looking at the sky and pressing A. You will hear a faint twinkling sound when a shooting star falls in the sky. Each wish drops one star fragment on your beaches the next day, this rate is the same if you wish on your island or on a friend's islan.

There Are Three Types of Star Fragments That Can Fall:

  • Regular star fragments which are typical yellow fragments

  • Zodiac fragments which correspond to the current month your island is in and are needed to craft the Zodiac DIYs

  • Large star fragments which are the key to many of the Celeste DIYs

Each fragment has a different drop rate depending on if it's your birthday month or not. So if you  are trying to get a certain type of fragment, pay attention to what month your game is currently in and refer to the guide that is on the below:

Fragment Drop Rate

  • Star (Regular) Fragment Drop Rate: 85% on regular month, 65% on birthday month

  • Zodiac Fragment Drop Rate: 10% on regular month, 25% on birthday month

  • Large Fragment Drop Rate: 5% on regular month, 10% on birthday month

It is also important to note that specific Zodiac Fragments will only spawn when it is currently that Zodiac period, for example Capricorn lasts from December 21st to January 21st thus Capricorn Fragments will only fall between these two dates, this can then be applied to the remaining 11 types of Zodiac Fragments.

Tricks To Increase The Maximum Star Fragments

Per meteor shower you can get a maximum of 20 fragments from your own wishes, thus you do not need to wish more than 20 times in order to get the maximum number of fragments the next day, this applies if you wish on your island or on another island. But don't worry we can increase this from 20 fragments to 40 fragments with the below tricks:

  • 1. The key to increasing the maximum star fragment cap is by having visitors on your island for the meteor shower. For every 5 wishes from a visitor, one additional star fragment will appear on your beach the next day. The visitor wishes can all come from the same visitor or spread among multiple visitors. You can use this method to spawn up to 20 additional star fragments.

  • 2. Raising the maximum number of star fragments, you can spawn to 40. This means in order to get the maximum number of star fragments per meteor shower, you need to wish 20 times on shooting stars and then have a visitor wish 100 times on your island for a total of 120 wishes. 

  • 3. If you want to raise this cap even more, you can log onto your island with an additional resident, since each resident has their own 40 star fragment cap. Luckily all the wishes from your visitor apply to every island resident, so you only need one visitor to make 100 wishes to raise the star fragment cap to 40 for every resident. With eight users available to play on one island, the new maximum number of star fragments you can achieve from one meteor shower is 320.

Collect Your Star Fragments

Now that you've wished on so many shooting stars that your thumb is sore from pressing A, it's time to collect your reward. The day after the meteor shower, star fragments will start to wash up on your beaches. There will be a maximum of 10 star fragments at a time, but more star fragments will wash up on your shores throughout the day, so be sure to check your beaches periodically to collect all of those star fragments you worked so hard for. 

Important Note: If you like to time travel, be sure not to time travel past the next day, or else you will lose all of your star fragments. If you time travel to two or more days after the meteor shower happens, the star fragments will not wash up on your beaches and you will not be able to collect them.

And that's everything you need to know to get max star fragments from one meteor shower, we hope this guide helps you spawn more fragments as they can be hard to get and tend to be in short supply when you are crafting Celeste DIYs. Anyway, if you don't want to spend your gaming time on grinding, you can easily buy Animal Crossing items including fragments and Celeste themed items on Goldkk.Com at the best prices instantly!

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