
ACNH Lily Guide - How To Get Lily Hybrids (Pink, Black, Orange) & Lily Themed Items In Animal Crossing

3/30/2021 7:55:40 PM

Lily is one of the species of flowers featured in Animal Crossing: New Horizons that can be hybridized with each other in order to obtain particular colors that cannot be purchased anywhere else on the island and have different uses within the game. Let's find out all the details about the species and how to get unique hybrid colors!

Animal Crossing New Horizons Lily Breeding & Planting Guide

Lily are flowers that appeared for the first time on Animal Crossing: New Horizons and have a total of six color variations: three of these are basic colors, that is, they can be purchased directly in the form of seeds, while the remaining three are hybrid colors, obtainable by crossing two by two basic colors.

Specifically, the three basic colors that can be purchased are the red lily, white lily, and yellow lily, while the remaining three, namely the pink lily, orange lily, and the black lily, are hybrid colors.

How To Get Lily Plant in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Lilies can be obtained in several ways. The basic colors (red lily, white lily, and yellow lily) are easily available at the Nook Stop or at Leif’s stall, in the form of seeds and at the price of 240 bells each.

Red-lily Plant

ACNH Lily Flower - Red-lily plant

White-lily Plant

ACNH Lily Flower - White-lily plant

Yellow-lily Plant

ACNH Lily Flower - Yellow-lily plant

  • In fact, while at the Nook Stop the brothers Timmy and Tommy will always sell the same three species of flowers (which vary from island to island and therefore may not include lilies), Leif will put on the market, in rotation, the species that they are not available for purchase at Nook Stop, so it is best to pay attention to what it sells every time it shows up on our island.

  • If we really don't find lily on our island, then we can always go to the island of some of our friends and visit their shops: clearly we should first make sure that the lilies are on sale!

  • Finally, another way to get Lilies is to take a mystery island tour via Nook Miles Tickets. In fact, in this way we could end up on an island that has different flowers from those present on ours. Always remember to take the shovel with us and empty your pockets before leaving, otherwise, we won't be able to pick the flowers and take them back with us!

How To Get Lily Hybrids in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

As anticipated, there are three lily colors that cannot be purchased in any way, but can only be obtained through the breeding technique.

This technique involves combining two colors (the same or different depending on the case) of flowers of the same species, in order to mix them and obtain a completely new third color.

To allow this to happen, however, it is also necessary that the initial flowers be watered: in this way the probability of obtaining a third flower the next day (hybrid or not) is equal to 5%.

One way to increase this probability is to have our friends water the flowers too, who will then have to go to our island, according to the following scheme:

  • Self watering (or rain): 5%

  • Watering by a friend: 25%

  • Watering by two friends: 35%

  • Watering by three friends: 50%

  • Watering by four friends: 65%

  • Watering by five friends: 80%

Possible Hybrids

Below we report only the simplest combinations (as well as the most common ones) to obtain all the hybrids present in the game. We point out, however, that within the game there are more than 10,000 possible combinations also linked to genetics, so it is not surprising if you get hybrids with combinations not shown in the list!

How To Get Pink Lily Breeding?

Pink Lily is one of the hybrids obtainable in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. To be able to give birth to a lily of this color, it is sufficient to place a red lily red lily next to a white lily lily, or place two plants of red lily red lily side by side.

ACNH Lily Flower - Pink-lily plant

How To Get Orange Lily Breeding?

Orange Lily is one of the hybrids obtainable in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. To be able to give birth to a lily of this color, it is sufficient to combine a red lily with a yellow lily.

ACNH Lily Flower - Orange-lily plant

How To Get Black Lily Breeding?

The black lily is one of the hybrids obtainable in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. To be able to give birth to a lily of this color, it is sufficient to place two red lily plants side by side.

ACNH Lily Flower - Black-lily plant

Animal Crossing Lily Themed Items

Lily, in all their colors, can be used in a variety of ways in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Clearly, they can be planted around the island in order to decorate it or to increase its overall rating (which, remember, goes from 1 to 5 stars and can be consulted by Isabelle at the service center), or, by collecting the crown, they can also be used as ingredients for DIY recipes to build the following lily-themed items:

Lily wand

ACNH Lily Themed Items - Lily wand

Cute lily crown

ACNH Lily Themed Items - Cute lily crown

Lily record player (White)

ACNH Lily Themed Items - Lily record player

Lily record player (Yellow)

ACNH Lily Themed Items - Lily record player (Yellow)

Lily record player (Pink)

ACNH Lily Themed Items - Lily record player (Pink)

Fancy lily wreath

ACNH Lily Themed Items - Fancy lily wreath

Lily wreath

ACNH Lily Themed Items - Lily wreath

Dark lily crown

ACNH Lily Themed Items - Dark lily crown

Lily crown

ACNH Lily Themed Items - Lily crown

In fact, as shown above, there are several useful items to decorate our island, such as the Lily wreath, to be used on the door of our house. In addition, the corollas of lilies can be used as a hair accessory, choosing "wear" after selecting them in our inventory.

Finally, they can be used as a piece of furniture for the home or for the outdoors by selecting "place" from the menu that opens by selecting the corolla of anemone from our inventory.

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