
Path Of Exile Ps4 Version Guide & Tips - Trophies, Loot Filters And All Information You Need To Know

3/28/2019 2:18:23 PM

to prepare ps4 players for the release of path of exile, grinding gear games developers at reddit have answered questions about launching the ps4 release. now there is this some tips for path of exile ps4 version bundled, you can find important information about poe ps4 trophies, load times, item filters and much more!

path of exile ps4 version guide & tips

long enough for ps4 owners to wait for path of exile to be released on their favorite console, the time has finally come: grinding gear games' action rpg is free to play on sony's platform. on the occasion of the release, the developers have answered some questions that you may have as a ps4 player. actually, the loothatz of the new zealanders should end up in december, with the release of the betrayal league, on sony's console. 

related read: path of exile ps4 starter guide - 10 tips for beginner to start

via an ama ("ask me anything") in the subreddit /r/ps4, interested users could ask their questions to the members of grinding gear games like chris wilson, bex and jeff. these are the results of this question and answer session:

- the game is initially available for ps4 everywhere except in south korea, china and japan. so far, the developers can not say more to other regions.

- the ps4 version starts with patch 3.6.1 (on pc patch 3.6.2 has already been installed).

- the game requires 9 gb of free space on your hard drive for the first download.

- the poe neversink item filter is built into the console capture by default, but you can not make changes to filtering at this time. but there are already plans.

- ps plus is not necessary to trade and play with friends.

- in terms of performance, the versions for ps4 and ps4 pro should achieve 1080p and 60 fps with dynamic scaling enabled when scaling is enabled. hdr is not supported.

- although there is no local coop, you can simultaneously go online with up to five friends online.

- the synthesis league, which has been running on the pc for three weeks, will be shorter on the ps4, so that the next league can appear on pc, ps4 and xbox one relatively soon.

- there is no connection between a pc account and a ps4 account. micro transactions of a pc account can not be transferred to the ps4.

- ps plus unlocks special cosmetic items that give you no playful advantage.

- area load times vary between 10-20 seconds for normal ranges and 50 seconds maximum for extra large cards.

- first, there is no chat and no guilds in the ps4 version. however, the developers are working on the chat function for consoles (including xbox one), which should follow in the coming weeks.

- the ps4 version of path of exile has a platinum trophy. it does not need absurdly rare drops, such as the kalandra mirror that some players have never had.


- in the future, console versions of path of exile will be just a few days behind the pc version. a league start on friday on pc should then lead to a league start on monday on console.

- the betrayal mechanism is temporarily deactivated on the ps4.

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