Three-step Assault
Three-step Assault
Shagreen Boots
Three-step Assault
Shagreen Boots

Requires Level 5597 Dex +(25-35) to Dexterity(20-40)% increased Evasion Rating100% increased Evasion Rating during Onslaught+(50-70) to maximum Life25% increased Movement Speed10% chance to Dodge Spell Hits while Phasing Move in with haste.Strike quick, strike hard.Vanish like smoke in the wind.
Three-step Assault


Price 1.59 USD
+ -

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Also the POE Three-step Assault Price within 15 days are daily update here, check out to get the current value of Path of Exile Three-step Assault in trading market now. Now the price of Path of Exile Three-step Assault ranges from 1.59USD to 1.59USD, in the case that it is not urgently needed, we recommend you to choose the lowest price period to buy POE Three-step Assault or trade.

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