
Elden Ring Boss Guide - 4 DETAILS You Can't Missing In Elden Ring

7/18/2022 5:30:18 PM

Today go over four hidden Elden ring details that you have missed if you're wondering about this Elden ring glitch.


Elden Ring Boss Guide - 4 DETAILS You Can't Missing In Elden Ring 

The deathrite bird

Now let's get into the details, the first one that going to be the death rite bird in Elden ring, there are a few interesting details about this boss, specifically the skeleton head as well as the wing, eventually, get to the top portion of this boss, so you can check out some weird stuff going on there as well.

Direct your attention to this exact spot on the wing, because you can notice that there are a ton of soldiers, literally laid across the wings and what's great enough is that you eventually get the death poker which the death riper is holding on to, and on the top portion view for some reason, it's split down right in the middle where its spine is moving on to the Natural Born boss, you may not have noticed the giant eyeball that's centered right in between its Cranium what's interesting enough.

The Natural Born boss 

The Natural Born boss has these orbs scattered throughout its body with a limited amount of orange orbs in Elden ring. There's anything tied to that specifically and it's just something to pinpoint out, this Elden ring boss also has prongs, so it's very similar to another Elden ring boss that going to take a look at which is the Fallen star Beast, this is very similar to the other Elden ring boss which the Natural Born, now specifically you have the eye that's very similar to the Natural Born as well as the prong in the back, they're very similar not just in appearance,  but lore-wise as well.

If head over to one of the Gargoyles that you eventually encounter as a boss fight, this Elden ring boss has two faces, this is completely odd, it's just kind of molded or stitched together.

How it works, it's really odd and you can see a portion of its body is kind of stitched to the gargoyle which is quite similar to the other gargles that you can find in the game, this one's more burnt up, so it's hard to see the two faces, there indeed is just a different type of body type.

The ulcerated tree Spirit

This Elden ring boss is going to be the ulcerated tree Spirit. There's a lot going on with all the Kool-Aid that's on this monster as you can tell, it's just spilling out everywhere, the portion of its side, it doesn't have eyes, it's very similar to magma Dragon, if you kind of look at it, it does look similar right is this Earth tree or tree Spirit similar to a dragon of some sort. The lore on it, but some DLC is this all true, there's a lot here that people have pretty much summed down that's fake as well as the Dragon Ball Z armored Core also had some really.

The armored Core logo

There's also the armored Core logo which oddly enough is just called armored chord nothing else, that it's not like that's gonna be a skate situation which by the way, if you did not know about that skate's gonna be free to play, and it's most likely gonna be filled with microtransactions, so that's something to look forward to, but with that information to the side which is irrelevant to this, but pretty much, going through a fake situation with the downloadable content, so if you did see any of this not what you think, this is not the DLC nor if you were excited about any of the other stuff, it's not real either, it's neither of it's real, so just continue on with your day, and eventually hear some information about these great games. 

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