
Elden Ring Dragon Guide - 5 Different Elden Ring Dragon Details You Should Know

7/11/2022 5:14:37 PM

Today you are going to be going into some insane details as well as secrets for  Elden ring dragon. Here are some of the details that you probably have missed as well as some secrets. Did you know that Elden ring dragon had three to possibly even five heads? What do you think about these Elden ring dragons? Here introduce 5 different Elden ring dragons. 


Elden Ring Dragon Guide - 5 Different Elden Ring Dragon Details You Should Know 

1. Elden ring glenstone dragon

If you were to complete one of these quest lines, you would be able to go against this Elden ring dragon. Did you know that this Elden ring dragon has some of its depth light crawling outside of its eye pretty insane as for this next Elden ring dragon, this one can be located near atlas plateau, there's nothing to pinpoint about this except how cool the detail is on this Elden ring dragon.

The glenstone dragon, because this Elden ring dragon has its eyes completely covered by glimstones and not just its thighs, but this can expand from the side of its legs to its tail and even the top portion of its back.

Just because of the detail that was added to this Elden ring dragon, even its horns have been covered with gunstone as well, what the lore is on this Elden ring dragon specifically? 

2. Elden ring rot dragon

Let's talk about the rot dragon, this one is quite a pain, if you've come across it, there's quite a lot of detail that has gone into this Elden ring dragon.

Specifically from the rot to even these weird, not even sure what they are really, but that's like a rot plant material that's on its body, it almost looks like some undersea type of coral reef, which expands from its head to the back of its tail.

Now did you know that there is a dragon inside of a cave, specifically the cave of forlorn well, if you go inside this specific cave, you can locate an Elden ring dragon right here that has been completely frozen?

What's interesting is how did this Elden ring dragon even get inside? This location was like a baby, and it just roamed in here,  chilled in here for a couple of days, and then grew big, it just could not get out really strange stuff.

Now curious as to which Elden ring dragon, this one can be located right next to the first steps, basically right as you spawn in the game, if you take a right and look at the lake, you can locate this Elden ring dragon right there, and you can tell this is the exact Elden ring dragon just from the top portion.

3. Elden ring magma dragon

Now let's take a look at the magma Elden ring dragon, there are just some small bits of detail that show in this clip here, so just the front portion and what the blade exactly looks like when this Elden ring dragon is wielding it. There's a pattern that's towards the bottom.

4. Elden ring frozen dragon

The frozen dragon, now if you're sitting there, wondering what's unique about this dragon, not a lot except for its head portion, the rest of its body looks exactly like the other Elden ring dragons with the thorns and whatnot, so other than that not find anything to point out except for the head portion.

5. Elden ring elden dragon 

let's talk about the Elden dragon here, this Elden ring dragon is massive, when you see this over at the fort ferreth, it was this Elden ring dragon right here is lodged into the ground, you cannot see how big it is until now this thing is insane, so if we were to ever go against a boss, not even sure how would take it out, sure you could go after the toes,  how effective that would be maybe arrows are going to be something that's highly utilized, later on, to see how these Elden ring dragon bosses are going to be going down that is if get a chance to go against, such a huge boss.

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