
Elden Ring Best Nebula Knight Build Guide Level 150: Equipment, Stats, Talismans & Tips

7/9/2022 11:14:48 AM

In this Elden Ring Wing of Astel build guide, we are going to show you the best Nebula Knight build. This is a level 150 Knight build that uses intelligence and dexterity in order to achieve great results. Next, we break down the attributes, equipment, armors, talismans, and tips you need to make the best Wing of Astel build in Elden Ring.


Elden Ring Nebula Knight Build Guide - How To Make This Build Work

Thanks to Fextralife, we have the Elden Ring best Wing of Astel build at level 150. Wing of Astel is the main weapon for this level 150 Nebula Knight build in Eden Ring. Wing of Astel is so powerful on its own and because of the unique charged R2 that you're going to be using with this weapon a lot. You don't tend to do a lot of dual-wield attacks when using it. Because you're really leaning into that Ash of war or weapon skill and you're really leaning into that charge star too. So first up let's talk about the equipment that we're using for this build! If you want to get the equipment fast, buy Elden Ring runes on MTMMO.COM!


Elden Ring Nebula Knight Build Equipment

Wing of Astel

For this build, we're using the Wing of Astel which is a curved sword that deals physical magic damage and its weapon skill Nebula is extremely deadly. It shoots out kind of like a bunch of stars or star clusters that then detonate after like a second or so each dealing individual damage. What's really great about this ability is that it's 100 magic damage. Meaning you can boost it very easily with Magic Shred and Cracked Tear and Magic Scorpion Charm get like a lot of damage boost that way or using something like Terra Magica as well. The stars tend to hit in a wide area if you're out in the open but they group up if you're in like tight corridors. So you can lure an enemy or something into a tight Corridor and then cast this. They all stay really grouped up on top of each other and then you'll just hit that enemy over and over with that ability.


Another really cool thing about the Wing of Astel is it has a rather unique R2 animation. It is pretty much similar to other curved swords, but it shoots out little waves that duel independent damage from the blade itself. If you charge it, you'll actually get two of them in a row. What this allows you to do is hit an enemy from point blank with the weapon and the waves that come out. If you hit them with the wave from transient Moonlight and the sword itself, you'll deal increased damage. It's something similar here. So you want to try and use these charge r2s when you're on top of enemies in order to deal substantial damage. A lot of times, this will stagger them as well allowing you to get a Critical Strike. Since we're using the Assassin Cerulean dagger, you're going to gain a lot of FP back when you do that.


Carian Glintblade Staff

You don't even have to upgrade the Carian Glintblade staff. It has very lightweight at 2.5 and it allows you to cast Scholar’s shield which increases the guard boost and protection of the shield which is fantastic. Because it doesn't have like greatest guard boost ever. So getting that 25% increase is good.


Carian Knight’s Shield

Have the Carian Knight shield in your left hand. Have that maxed out, it's a really good shield for low-strength builds. Though we don't really use strength with this best Elden Ring Nebula Knight build at all. So it's not bad. Ideally, with a block counter build, you'd have a great shield in order to get enemies rebuffing and make it easier to do block counters. So if you want to use a great Shield, you can use one that's low strength and substitute it out.


Armors - Greathelm

When it comes to armor for this best Elden Ring Wings of Aster build, using the Greathelm, and then the rest of the pieces are from the scale armor set. The reason for this is to get good protection, but also really good Poise. You don't have to use this armor set. But we hit the breakpoint of 56, this is basically any regular attack. You'll pretty much Poise through which gives you the opportunity to use the Nebula ability without getting staggered in a lot of cases or to use that charged R2 with your special R2 waves without getting staggered a lot of the time.


Elden Ring Nebula Knight Build Talismans

When it comes to talismans for this Elden Ring best Wing of Astel build, we have the Magic Scorpion charm, the Assassin Cerulean dagger, the Shard of Alexander, and the Curved Sword talisman. The Magic Scorpion charm is great for this build because the waves are all magic damage and Nebula is 100% magic damage and your regular attacks deal about 50% to 60% magic damage. So you're going to get a 6% increase on those roughly in terms of total damage. So you're going to use this a lot in this build and it's just going to help stack damage when you're using those abilities.


The Assassin Cerulean dagger is great here. We don't have a lot of points in mind, we have about 20 points. So we don't have a ton of FP pool and this is going to allow you to keep on going. You can like gain FP back by staggering things with block counters or staggering them with a Charge Star or staggering them with Nebula. It's really good in fights when you're on the landscape. You can swap it out for something like you know Dragon Crest Great Shield talisman if you're in a boss fight that you're not really going for staggers on. But if you out there fighting regular enemies, it's fantastic.


Shard of Alexander is there to boost the damage of Nebula even further. This ability already hits extremely hard that's going to give you an extra 15%.


Curve Sword Talisman increases your block counter damage by about 20%. If you don't find yourself doing too many block counters, switch this out for something like the Axe Talisman to give your charge to R2 attacks more damage. Keep in mind if you're using the Axe Talisman, but it doesn't increase the waves that hit damage. But it'll increase the actual sword when it connects with the target's damage or you could use something like the Dagger Talisman to increase your Critical Strike attack. When you do a block counter in staggered enemy and you go into that critical, you deal increased damage as well.


Elden Ring Nebula Knight Build Gameplay Tips

Generally, the way this build plays as you are going around the landscape, you'll generally do block counters on regular enemies as long as they're not all together in a pack. But if they are grouped up, you can use Nebula to just wipe them out really really easily. Because it hits in 120 degrees or so Arc that will take out big packs of enemies, it's good for that situation. Or if you want to throw it up early on like a difficult enemy that's being aggressive charging at you, then you can do your charged R2 into them when Nebula detonates and not a lot of times stagger them right then and there then. You can follow that up with a Critical Strike which works really well.


You can buff with scholar Shield fairly regularly. If you're going to be fighting a tough enemy, it's a good thing to do to get that extra guard boost. You don't have a ton of points in endurance. So you don't have a ton of stamina with this build and that will help reduce the amount of stamina that gets consumed when you're blocking which is good and you can regain FB again with Assassins Cerulean dagger to recoup a lot of that cost as well.


Terra Magic is one that's hard to use with this build. It's really only good if enemies are aggressive and you can throw it down before you aggro them. When they do become aggressive, you can stand in it and spam Nebula or throw up Nebula and then do your charged R2 into enemies. It's not something you're going to use all the time, but it's good to have when you need it.


Elden Ring Nebula Knight Build Attributes

Vigor - 49

Mind - 20

Endurance - 25

Strength - 12

Dexterity - 50

Intelligence - 50

Faith - 14

Arcane - 9

49 Vigor is there because you are going to get hit with this build, sometimes you'll trade damage when you're poisoned through attacks to use Nebula. Nebula spam is extremely deadly, so trading damage there usually comes out in your favor especially if you can hit with a lot of the explosions. Because typically you'll stagger an enemy before they can kill you and then you have time to heal up. 20 mind is a little bit lower. If you have a different class, you'll probably have more points available here. Endurance is at 25 for this build, this allows us to medium roll and still use this heavy armor and shield. 

When it comes to dexterity intelligence, this is really the soft cap right for these this weapon after 50 in each of these stats. It really starts to drop off in terms of the damage that you deal. Something interesting with this weapon is that intelligence affects the wave damage from R2 and charge star 2 as well as Nebula's damage with strength and dexterity does not. So if you're not really doing block counters at all and if you're not really using a lot of r1s, but you're just using Nebula or you're finding that you're using the waves from charge yard 2 more than anything. You'd probably be better off dropping dexterity down to 20 and putting intelligence up to 80 in order to maximize that wave damage and maximize Nebula damage.



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