
Path of Exile 3.18 Righteous Fire Inquisitor Build Guide - Best League Sentinel Starter Build In POE

6/27/2022 6:25:32 PM

Today, we bring you the best righteous fire build in Path of Exile 3.18 for Sentinel League. This build is a very tanky one and can pretty much do every content in the game.


Path of Exile 3.18 Righteous Fire Inquisitor Build Guide - Best League Sentinel Starter Build In POE

This POE Righteous Fire Inquisitor build 3.18 is a good League starter. It's very cheap to start with. It's great for map clearing. You got a semi-brand dead play style and it's also a very tanky build. For the cons, you can't run all the map mods stuff like region and recovery mods, for instance, is a no-go. Minus to maximum player resistance can be a problem as well. We do lack some of the single target damage. Even though the boss isn't really a problem, it can just feel very slow sometimes depending on the boss.


How to Make The POE Righteous Fire Build 3.18 Work

Righteous fire has been around for a long time in Path of Exile. You sacrifice your life and end your shield to deal fire damage around you. This we do mitigate by getting a lot of life regen and also getting as high maximum fire resist as we can. As the inquisitor, we also gain our life region to energy shield as well. Making it even easier for us to sustain the righteous fire. It's also really cool that we actually get more damage by getting more life and energy shield. The play style is very simple, we use shield charge to move around and everything will most of the time just die. We also use an explosive trap, flammability curse, and also wave of conviction to boost our single target even further. We are also using a couple of uniques for this build, but the great thing is that they are not required for this build to work. They are more for quality of life and for a better clear speed.


Path of Exile 3.18 Righteous Fire Build Skill Links

- First of all, we are using righteous fire and here we want to link it with burning damage and also swift affliction, then life tap, elemental focus, and here we have awakened increased area of effect. If you can't afford the awakened version, just go ahead and take a normal increased area of effect. If you do feel that you lack damage you can swap this out for a concentrated effect instead.

- For the explosive trap, we have trap and mine, we also got concentrated effect and lastly life tap. We also have blood corona in an elder base helmet and this is just so we can have the extra burn damage with socketed gems. You can actually also get the concentrated effect as well so you can actually have a 6 link on your helmet. If you do get concentrated also, you can just swap the concentrated effect for the swift affliction gem instead.


- Next up we got the flammability curse and this makes it so enemies have less fire resistance, so we can do more damage to them. We're also using a wave of conviction. This provides us with fire exposure to the enemies, also making it so we do deal more damage. We have just a live tab support level 1, so it costs live instead of mana.

- For mobility, we are using shield charge most of the time. If you want with foster attacks and we also have a frostblink here for an additional way of moving around. Mostly for jumping over obstacles or maybe cliffsides and stuff like that. We also have these linked with live tab support level 1.

- For auras, we are using the purity of elements. And this is providing us with huge amounts of elemental resistance, but also we are gaining immunity to elemental ailments. We also have vitality for some more life regions. Determination really important one for additional armor. Defiance banner is also really important yes we gain even more armor and some other stuff like enemies having reduced critical strike chance. Lastly, we are using tempest shield for some more blockchains to spells which is really huge, especially for bosses.

-We have molten shell, so we can get even more armor huge defense. You can pop it on bosses and we also have the normal multi-shell here that we all are also using. You can put it on your right mouse button, so you are using it while you are running around. The last skill that we are using is blood rage, so we can get some frenzy charges while we are running around, providing us with some more damage and also move speed.

Path of Exile 3.18 Righteous Fire Build Passive Trees



Path of Exile 3.18 Righteous Fire Build Bandits

For the bandits you want to kill them all just, so we can get those two extra skill points.


Path of Exile 3.18 Righteous Fire Inquisitor Pantheons

For pantheons, we like to go for soul of solaris. This is providing us with different kinds of defensive stats but the main reason is for the physical damage reduction if there is only one nearby enemy. This helps out mainly for bosses. For the minor souls, pick gryffin for even more physical damage reduction.


Path of Exile 3.18 Righteous Fire Build Gear

Overall, you don't really need any uniques for this POE Sentinel Righteous Fire build to work. But there are some that take this build to the next level.


Boots - Legacy of Fury

There is a chance once you kill an enemy, they will explode dealing 8% of their health as fire damage per second. These do help out a lot with the clear speed while we are mapping, also got some nice stats like movement speed and all elemental resistance as well.


Rings - Death Rush

This means that we get the onslaught effect, boosting our cost attack and movement speed by 20%. We also get some life armor and chaos resist, so overall a great ring for us.


Shields - Aegis Aurora

This is huge for our super ability. When we block, we replenish our energy shield by 2% of our armor and this makes us pretty much immortal while we are mapping. We also gain a lot of armor from the shield and it's got a decent block chance as well. We also get 5% to maximum coal resistance and this doesn't really help us much at all.


Jewels - Melding of the Flesh

But we can utilize this by getting another item called melding of the flesh. This is unique cobalt which makes it so our elemental resists are capped by our highest maximum elemental resistance instead. So this means by default, we get 5% extra maximum coal to resist from the shield, and with this evil we now get lightning and fire. They will do give a negative to all elementary systems though and this can be quite a challenge to build a round.  


Scepters - Grim Blow

We just have plus all fire spell skill gems and we also have a damage over time multiplayer with the crafted fire damage over time multiplier. The ideal way here is obviously you can have 1 to all spell gems, so you get the plus 2 and also fire damage and burn damage. The important thing here is to note that you do not want any spell damage because it does not affect the righteous fire.


Helms - Blood Corona

We can get the socketed guns are supported by burning damage and the ideal way here is also to have a concentrated effect as well, so we can get another 6 links here. The mod socketed gems deal 30% more damage from using the essence of horror on the helmet.


Amulets - Maelstrom Clasp

We got all attributes some damage over time multiplier and also all elemental resist and fire skill games with some maximum life. And we are using arsonist for the extra fire damage over time multiplier and also some live region that it provides. It's a very cheap one, it just cost 2 green and 1 blue to anoint this.


Rings - Blood Hold

Try and get as much life and resist as you can get.


Chests - Victory Carapace

Overall, get as much life as you can. The most important one here is to gain a percentage of maximum life as extra maximum energy shield. But you can also get this as a craft instead.