
ACNH The Roost & Brewster Speculation - Will The Roost Come Back And How

3/18/2021 3:46:49 PM

The Roost is one of the most desired features to come back to Animal Crossing New Horizons and Brewster is one of the most beloved special characters in the game. If Roost does come back, it's might be identical to how it looked in Animal Crossing New Leaf. There might not be any of the older designs, though there might be a good reason for it to look more like some of the older games.

This design from New Leaf is arguably the best version of the Roost, it's so cozy and great, but it also does capture a more modern cafe, like a Starbucks. It’ll be nice to have a little seating area for you and your friends to sit and enjoy a coffee. It'd be even better if you could decorate the inside of the Roost how you liked.

ACNH The Roost & Brewster

There would be a good reason for it to look more like the older games rather than New Leaf. And that's the location of the Roost. So this is an important thing to talk about, data mines have confirmed that the Roost will be located within the museum in Animal Crossing New Horizons. So there is evidence that the Roost will become a museum upgrade were somewhere in the museum, you'll be able to visit the Roost. This is what it was like in City Folk and Wild World. This would make a lot of sense, because this late into the game's life cycle, it would be problematic for them to add more outdoor buildings that could affect how some people have designed their islands. Some people don't care about that, they want to see the Roost as a separate building like it was a New Leaf. But according to the data mines, it is going to be within the museum. So if you've made a space for the Roost on your island, maybe tuck that away.

It also mentioned that the Gyroids could play some part as well. So perhaps we'll be able to get our own little Gyroid exhibit within the Roost. That's what the data mines indicated, but we don't know enough about this yet, but it could connect it to the older games a bit more. Maybe the Roost could look more like how it did in those older games. So it does seem very likely that we're going to see more museum upgrades rather than seeing a separate building for the Roost.

One of the cool features that the Roost has is the ability to work there. You could work for Brewster, once you've talked to him enough. You could become your barista in Animal Crossing! You could take the orders of all the different villagers and even some special characters too, who would come and visit and wanted their coffee done a certain way. So you'd have to memorize these or perhaps you could look online for a guide. There are lots of different ways to do it, but it'd be great this return. It's a fun mini-game and it could be a cool way to get some of the more like cafe-themed items for the game. They could add some new ones, they could bring back those iconic Brewster Gyroids if they did introduce Gyroids again. It gave you something new to do every day.

The Roost would be the way that we would meet special characters who have been removed from New Horizons. Characters like Harriet and such probably won't make a full-time return to New Horizons. All these characters that they removed who no longer have a purpose anymore, let's say chip, Nat, Joan, Harriet, all the characters that have been replaced by either new features or new characters, will come to the Roost to sit down as they did in previous games. And that's where you'll be able to meet them and discuss with them. It might be a bit of a shame for you that these characters could only be cameos. sure many of you want them to come back as full-time characters, but let's be honest the odds of Harriet returning to open a hair salon when you can use the mirror. It is not gonna happen. Nintendo has moved more towards convenience rather than having these characters and their buildings, but it would be nice to see them in the Roost again. 

And that’s all for the Roost & Brewster speculation in New Horizons and click HERE to see more!

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