
Path of Exile 3.7 Stackable Fossils is Coming with POE 3.7.4 Patch Update

7/22/2019 4:26:33 PM

GGG has announced that the issues to hamper Path of Exile fossils stackable is solved and POE 3.7 Stackable Fossils is coming this week alongside the following patch notes. Here goldkk.com introduces the details of POE 3.7 fossils stack and the upcoming POE 3.7.4 patch.

Path of Exile 3.7 Legion Stackable Fossils is Coming 

GGG always know about the requirements and questions from the Path of Exile players and try to give them a satisfactory solution. To solve the problem of insufficient stashes space, lots of different tabs are supplied to stock currency, endgame needs and more. To respond to the long-standing demand that fossils can't be stacked in the game, they managed to resolve technical issues prevent the feature implementation and made it available.

When Will the POE 3.7 Fossils Become Stackable?

According to the current information, the stackable fossils is coming at the end of this week alongside POE 3.7.4 Patch Update, the detailed time will be updated here once it's confirmed. 

What You Can Do with the Your Fossils in POE 3.7.4?

- You can stack you fossils.

- You can socket your fossils into Resonators from a stack directly.

- Common and valuable fossils stack to 20 and 10 respectively.

- The POE Legion fossils stack size in the wildcard slots of the Currency Stash Tab is 5000.

Can You Stack Resonators in POE 3.7 Legion?

In the near future, similar changes will be made on empty Resonators, then you can improve efficiency.


POE 3.7 fossils stack information according to POE 3.7.4 Patch Notes (confirmed)

Common Delve Fossils can now be stacked up to 20. Rare Delve Fossils can now be stacked up to 10. All Delve Fossils can be stacked up to 5,000 in the wildcard slots of a Currency Stash Tab.

More features of POE 3.7.4 Patch

- The amount of Rage that you have is now displayed as a numerical value above your Mana Globe.

- Exclamation marks above NPCs can now also be seen on the minimap.

Recent Update Details for POE 3.7 - POE Innocence Hideout, Discounted Sale, and More 

- A hundred Footprints, Portals, and Character Effects are available at discounted prices, including the Illusionist Portal Effect, the Mystic Character Effect, the Infernal Footprints and many more. This sale will run from July 19 to Jul 23, 2019.

- One free Frontier Mystery Box can be obtained when you spend any amount of points in the store, including buying the new Storm Brand effect or some microtransactions. The offer is available on PC and consoles and ends on July 23, 2019.

- New POE 3.7 hideout Innocence Hideout has been revealed, you can decorate as your reference, based on the Innocence fight arena and contains a large bright room with beautiful stained glass walls, there are lots of potentials for decoration. Check out the hideout showcase from the following video:

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