
POE Legion Challenges Guide - How to Complete All Path of Exile 3.7 Legion Challenges

7/9/2019 3:15:50 PM

New challenges with unique rewards for Path of Exile 3.7 Legion League has launched over a month, have you got the Monolith Crown and more? Here goldkk.com brings you the POE Legion challenges guide featuring POE 3.7 challenges list, rewards, and tips for completing each challenge.

Related Read: POE 3.7 Legion Crafting Guide

Path of Exile 3.7 Challenges Guide - POE Legion Challenges Rewards

Lots of people have completed 12 challenges until now, but very few players can reach 36 and even more challenges in a month. 

Completed 12 challenges - Monolith Crown/Monolith Crown Attachment

Completed 24 challenges - Monolith Aura Effect

Completed 36 challenges - Monolith Wings

Completed 19-40 challenges - Legion Challenger Trophy


POE 3.7 Challenges Guide - POE Legion challenges list & Completing Tips/Methods

1. Obtain Vaal Skill Gems

Obtain three Vaal Skill Gems from Vaal Vessels found in Vaal Side Areas.

Completing Tips: Very easy, you are probably to find skill gems in Vaal Vessel chest of each Vaal Side Area, open it after beating the boss at the end of the room. 

2. Complete Legion Encounters I

Defeat the following number of monsters in a single Legion encounter: At least 10, At least 50, At least 100, At least 150.

Completing Tips:Normal. To complete through a POE 3.7 build with decent clear speed or cooperate with others.

3. Complete these Quests

Complete each of the following quests: 

Completing Tips: Easy

A Dirty Job - Clear the fetid pool

Fallen from Grace - clear the Twilight Strand of undead

Fastis Fortuna - find the Calendar of Fortune in the Foothills

No Love for Old Ghosts - find The Elixir of Allure.

Through Sacred Ground - find The Golden Hand.

4. Defeat these Act Bosses

Defeat each of the following Unique Act Bosses: Act 1: Merveil, the Twisted, Act 2: Vaal Oversoul, Act 3: Dominus, Ascendant, Act 4: Malachal, The Nightmare, Act 5: Kitava, the Insatiable.

Completing Tips: Easy. Do with others if you can't defeat.

5. Complete these Encounters I

Complete each of the following Encounters.

Completing Tips: Easy

Open a Legion chest - find the chest icon 

Defeat a Red beast at the Blood Altar - do any crafting in there

Upgrade your Darkness Resistance at the Voltaxic Generator - buy upgrades with some cost of azurite

Socket an Abyssal Jewel into your passive tree - clear fast enough monster from the pit

Bargain with a member of the Immortal Syndicate - defeat all syndicate

Use a Stone of Passage to open a door in an incursion - kill few monsters during the incursion till some of them drop Stone of Passage

6. Complete Legion Encounters II

Complete Legion encounters which involve each of the following Factions: Karui, Eternal Empire, Vaal, Maraketh, Templar.

Completing Tips: Easy. Just tag any monster from each type of legion.

7. Defeat these Unique Bosses

Defeat each of the following Unique Bosses: Hillock; Brutus, Lord Incarcerator; The Weaver; Piety; Voll, Emperor of Purity; King Kaom; Daresso, King of Swords; Overseer Krow; Innocence, God-Emperor of Eternity; Tukohama, Karui God of War; Reassembled Brutus; Tsoagoth, The Brine King.

Completing Tips: Easy. You can encounter them in Act 1 to Act 6.

8. Use these Quality Currency Items

Use the following currency items to upgrade items and strongboxes to their maximum quality: Armourer's Scrap, Blacksmith's Whetstone, Glassblower's Bauble, Gemcutter's Prism, Cartographer's Chisel, Engineer's Orb.

Completing Tips: Normal. Most of these POE currencies are easy to get and used to improve items quality like maps and weapon.

9. Defeat these Legion Monsters

Defeat the following Rare Legion monsters: Karui Firespeaker, Daughter of Valako, Heavy Guard, Lion Guard, Scorpion Sentinel, Roc Sentinel, Sin Purger, Peacekeeper, Bloodblessed Conqueror, Ritemaster Decapitator.

Completing Tips: Normal. Most of them are spawn at the outer ring of the spawn wave, try to run far away from the monolith after clicking.

10. Defeat Elder and Elder Guardians

Defeat The Elder and each of his Guardians: The Enslaver, The Eradicator, The Constrictor, The Purifier, The Elder.

Completing Tips: Normal. Easier if you spawn them in white tier, ask for help if you can't kill them.

11. Obtain these Crafting Recipes

Obtain the following crafting recipes.

Movement Speed - Rank 1 - Act2 The Caverns, Act5 The Chamber of Innocence, Epilogue

Spell Damage - Rank 1 - Act2 The Ancient Pyramid, Act6 Shavronne's Tower

Attack and Cast Speed - Rank 1 - Act4 The Dried Lake, Act9 The Vastiri Desert, Tier11 Crimson Temple Map

Socket Colours - 1 or 2 Colours - Delving, Azurite Cavity node

Accuracy - Rank 1 - Act5 The Reliquary, Act7 The Temple of Decay Level 2, Incursion

Spell Damage - Rank 3 - Act9 The Boiling Lake

Physical Damage - Rank 3 - Act9 The Quarry

Defences - Rank 2 - Act10 The Feeding Trough, Tier7 Waterways Map

Energy Shield Recharge - Rank 1 - Tier2 Lookout Map, Tier13 Belfry Map

Minions - Rank 2 - Tier5 Burial Chambers Map, Incursion

Completing Tips: Normal. You can buy some of them from other players if you don't want to do.

12. Complete the Pantheon

Fully upgrade the Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Solaris, Soul of Arakaali, Soul of Garukhan, Soul of Yugul, Soul of Abberath, Soul of Tukohama, Soul of Gruthkul, Soul of Ryslatha, Soul of Ralakesh, Soul of Shakari.

Completing Tips: Normal. Put a Divine Vessel with the specific map (the pantheon requires) on the map device and pass this to Sin in town.

13. Complete these Encounters II

Complete each of the following Encounters.

Defeat all three members of the Undead Trio in a Graveyard Map within 3 seconds of each other.

Defeat the Beast of the Pits in a Barrows Map while it is Vulnerable.

Defeat Hephaeus, The Hammer in a Chateau Map while it is Enraged.

Defeat Shock and Horror in a Mineral Pools Map while it has at least 10 Lightning Warp Totems active.

Completing Tips: Normal. Make the boss fight even harder to challenge.

14. Defeat these Legion Generals

Defeat each of the following Legion Generals.

Aukuna, the Black Sekhema

Cardinal Sanctus Vox

General Marceus Lioneye

Queen Hyrri Ngamaku

Viper Napuatzi

Completing Tips: Normal. This challenge needs a decent DPS build to do or buy from other players.

15. Complete Elder or Shaper Influenced Maps 50

Complete fifty Maps that are influenced by The Shaper or The Elder.

Completing Tips: Normal. Shaper influence starts when you start mapping, but Elder Influence requires a condition where you encounter shaper's influence in tier 6. Note that they buffed shaper/elder influence map by containing additional monsters in recent patch. 

16. Complete Twinned Maps

Complete the following Maps while they have the Twinned modifier. These Maps are completed by killing their Unique Bosses: Arena, Port, City Square, Volcano, Peninsula.

Completing Tips: Normal. You can try to roll a magic rarity of the map with "Twin" mod to make the fight easier.

17. Open Legion Chests

Open the following number of Legion Chests and Legion War Hoards.

Legion Chests (0/800)

Legion War Hoards (0/80)

Completing Tips: Normal. Need about a month and end game mapping.

18. Complete Unided Rare Maps

Complete Rare Maps in 10 of the following 16 tiers while they are unidentified. These Maps are completed by killing their Unique Bosses.

Tier 1 - Tier 16

Completing Tips: Normal. You can obtain unidentified rare map by doing the map vendor recipe which also effects the rarity.

19. Achieve Ascension

Use the Ascendancy Device in all 4 labyrinths.

Completing Tips: Easy. 

20. Use Legion Incubators

Obtain item rewards from 18 of the following 23 Incubators. Item rewards are given on completing the incubation process: Abyssal Incubator, Cartographer's Incubator, Celestial Annoursmith Incubator, Celestial Blacksmith Incubator, Celestial Jeweller's Incubator, Decadent Incubator, Diviner's Incubator, Eldritch Incubator, Enchanted Incubator, Foreboding Incubator, Fossilised Incubator, Fragmented Incubator, Geomancer's Incubator, Infused Incubator, Mysterious Incubator, Obscured Incubator, Ornate Incubator, Otherworldly Incubator, Primal Incubator, Singular Incubator, Skittering Incubator, Thaumaturge's Incubator, Time-Lost Incubator.

Completing Tips: Normal. Most of them are cheap. 

21. Complete these Encounters III

Complete each of the following Encounters.

Completing Tips: Normal.

Complete trades with Cadiro Perandus (0/15) - You can spam zana's map device method for a cheaper method

Open Strongboxes (0/200) - You can spam Ambush Mod from zana's map device

Activate Shrines (0/200) - You can spam Domination Mod from zana's map device

Defeat Rogue Exiles (0/200) - You can spam Anarchy Mod from zana's map device

22. Complete Legion Encounters III

Defeat the following Legion monsters the specified number of times. Monster Targets have specific symbols above them which indicate what reward they will drop on death: Sergeants (0/2000), Monsters with Symbols (0/700), Generals (0/25)

Completing Tips: Normal. Focus on farming Sergeants and Generals in small Act zone. 

23. Allocate Legion Passives

Allocate Keystone and Notable passive skills which have been transformed by the Legion.: Eternal Empire Keystone, Eternal Empire Notable, Karui Keystone, Maraketh Keystone, Templar Keystone, Templar Notable, Vaal Keystone, Vaal Notable.

Completing Tips: Normal. You can also get all these allocation timesless jewel without spending any orb of regrets by creating a Scion-PVP-Character.

24. Complete Maps with Sextants

Complete Maps that are affected by 9 of the following is Sextant modifiers.

Areas contain additional Corrupted Vaal Monsters - white map tier required

Areas contain additional Essences - yellow

Areas contain an additional Tormented Betrayer - white

Areas contain an additional Tormented Graverobber - white

Areas contain an additional Tormented Heretic - red

Areas contain an extra Shrine - white

Possessed Monsters drop an additional Map - red

Possessed Monsters drop an additional Scarab - white

Possessed Monsters drop an additional Unique - white

Slaying Enemies close together has a chance to attract monsters from Beyond - red

Unique Bosses are accompanied by a mysterious Harbinger - yellow

Completing Tips: Normal. You can choose to buy rare ones. 

25. Embrace Corruption

Complete each of the following encounters.

Completing Tips: Normal.

Corrupt a Gem Into a Level 21 Gem - corrupting level 20 gem

Obtain a Corrupted Mirrored Item from any Strongbox - corrupting strongbox that have mirror mod

Obtain two of the same Sacrifice Fragment from a Vaal Vessel in a Vaal Side Area - put a sacrifice fragment in your map device

Use the Corruption Altar in the Temple of Atzoatl to Corrupt an item unpredictably - double corrupting item from the altar in Incursion

26. Complete these Encounters IV

Complete each of the following Encounters.

Completing Tips: Normal.

Defeat Abaxoth, the End of All That Is - Beyond mechanic, spawn him in low tier map

Defeat a Bestiary Boss - Bestiary Mechanic, buy any cheap unique beast then spawn in blood altar, complete the fight.

Defeat a Delve Boss at an area level of 75 or higher without using Flares - Delve Mechanic, upgrade fully your Darkness Resistance from that Voltaxic Generator

Defeat an Abyssal Lich in an area level of 80 or higher - Abyss Mechanic

27. Complete Legion Encounters IV

Defeat Legion Monsters or open Legion Chests marked with symbols, which drop the following rewards: Currency, Uniques, Gems, Maps, Trinkets, Armour, Weapon, Abyss, Perandus, Harbinger, Breach, Essences, Fragments, Scarabs, Fossils, Prophecies, Divination Cards, Bestiary, Talismans, Labyrinth, Incubators.

Completing Tips: Normal. Try free the chests instead of monster if you have trouble with DPS.

28. Reach Level 90

Attain character level 90. This challenge still counts even if your character dies afterwards.

Completing Tips: Normal. Need a decent build, spend within a month.

29. Open these Unique Strongboxes

Open seven of the following eleven Unique Strongboxes. Strongboxes do not need to be identified to complete the challenge. The ambushers must be defeated before it is counted as open: Perandus Bank, Kaom's Cache, Empyrean Apparatus, Strange Barrel, Deshret's Storm, Ashes of the Condemned, Mutewind Cache, Redblade Cache, Brinerot Cache, Renegades Cache, Weylam's War Chest.

Completing Tips: Normal. Use Zana's Mission that asked for opening unique strongboxes. And Haku in fortification division can spawn unique strongboxes too.

30. Complete these Encounters V

Complete each of the following Encounters.

Completing Tips: Normal.

Defeat The Cleansing Light in Basilica Map while no statues are in their starting positions - make sure all 4 statues are moved before kill the boss

Defeat Woad, Mockery of Man in Defiled Cathedral Map while no statues are in their starting positions - make sure all 4 statues are moved before kill the boss

Defeat Armala, the Widow in Sunken City Map while you are affected by 5 or more stacks of Covered in Webs - try lower the boss life till cull range then start stacking the web on yourself, stay away from the fox to avoid it burn your web

Defeat Vision of Justice in Orchard Map while you are affected by an Offering of Judgement - bring the boss to life to cull range, then wait for it create that skill then stand on it kill the boss

31. Complete Timeless Conflict I

Complete the Domain of Timeless Conflict while it contains the following number of Legion factions: At least two factions, At least three factions, At least four factions, Five factions.

Completing Tips: Normal. You can stack as many treasures as you can, then when the timer finishes you can collect all your bounty near the middle circle.

32. Complete Maps with Eight Mods 

Complete 30 Red Tier Rare Maps while they have 8 mods. Maps having 8 mods is a potential outcome of Vaal Orb corruption.


These Maps are completed by killing their Unique Bosses. Sextants, Scarabs and Zana mods do not count towards the mod count of this challenge.

Completing Tips: Normal.  Use Vaal Orb to corrupt a map into 8 mods. ask for help to deal with the dangerous map

33. Complete Legion Encounters V

Release all Monsters and Chests of the following Legion Factions in a single encounter. This cannot be completed in the Domain of Timeless Conflict: Karui, Eternal Empire, Templar, Vaal, Maraketh, All of both Factions in a single Encounter.

Completing Tips: Normal. Do this in act zone.

34. Complete Map Tiers

Complete 10,000 map tiers. Completing a tier 1 map gives 1 tier, completing a tier 2 map gives 2 tiers, and so on.

Completing Tips: Hard. Pick the shortest/fastest map you can clear, then Elder upgrade the map, and then uncomplete the other 4 T16 guardian maps.

35. Complete these Encounters VI

Complete each of following Encounters.

Completing Tips: Hard.

Complete the Beachhead - You can get this unique map easily from upgrading map by using Harbinger's Orb 


Unlock Veiled Modifiers x60 - It require a heavy grind on the syndicate to get as much veiled item to unlock many recipe and Legion monster drops lots of veiled item now 

Defeat the Pale Council - A little difficult, you can ask for help

Defeat Atziri in the Temple of Atzoatl -  Do this room at lower level map for easier fight

36. Complete Unique Maps

Complete any 15 of the following 19 Unique Maps on your Atlas. A Map is completed by killing its Unique Boss or Bosses if it has any. Maps without Unique Bosses are completed by opening specific Unique Chests: Vaults of Atziri, Maelström of Chaos, The Coward's Trial, Acton's Nightmare, Poorjoy's Asylum, Mao Kun, Oba's Cursed Trove, Olmec's Sanctum, Death and Taxes, Whakawairua Tuahu, Hall of Grandmasters, The Vinktar Square, Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den, The Putrid Cloister, Hallowed Ground, The Twilight Temple, Pillars of Arun, Perandus Manor, Doryani's Machinarium

Completing Tips: Normal. Make use of The Encroaching Darkness divination card.

37. Complete Timeless Conflict II

Complete the following encounters in the Domain of Timeless Conflict.

Defeat Generals (0/75)

Defeat Monsters with Symbols (0/300)

Defeat Sergeants (0/300)

Revive 10 Generals in a single Domain of Timeless Conflict

Completing Tips: Normal. Farm more monster within few map

38. Complete Deadly Encounters

Complete each of the following deadly encounters.

Atziri in the Alluring Abyss

Delve Boss in an area of Level 80 or higher

Mastermind at an area of Level 83 or higher

Vaal Temple

Completing Tips: Normal. Use decent build or ask experienced players for help.

39. Complete Zana's Questline

Complete the entire questline given by Zana.

Completing Tips: Hard. All you need to do is defeating Uber Elder, if your build is not top tier, ask others for help.

40. Complete Endgame Grinds

Complete any 4 of these encounters the specified number of times.

Level 100

Defeat Uber Elder (0/40)

Complete Abysses (0/400)

Cleanse Darkshrines in the Endgame Labyrinth (0/400)

Complete Delve Encounters at an area level of 80 or higher in the Azurite Mine (0/500)

Defeat Factions in the Domain of Timeless Conflict (0/200)

Completing Tips: Hard. You can skip Level 100 and Cleanse Darkshrines in the Endgame Labyrinth.

Detailed explanation and completion method please refer to the POE Legion league challenges analysis/newbie guide from the professional player on Reddit.

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