
Path of Exile 3.7 Legion Jewels Guide - All POE 3.7 Jewels List, Details, Changes & Designing on Legion Jewels

6/28/2019 11:57:47 AM

New unique Jewels are introduced in Path of Exile Legion League, you can earn them to modify the nearby passive skills in brand new ways and there are more possibilities for POE builds. Once your unique POE 3.7 jewels socketed into passive tree, the new keystones will be visible. What new jewels added in this league and what effect these jewels have? Here goldkk.com bring you the list of POE Legion jewels with item details, changes, and POE 3.7 new jewels designing update.


Related Read: POE Legion Challenges Guide - How to Complete All Path of Exile 3.7 Legion Challenges

Path of Exile 3.7 Legion League Jewels Guide - Designing on POE 3.7 Legion Jewels 

GGG has released some information about the development of designing the Legion jewels as seen through Hrishi, a POE game designer, to figure out if these jewels were even going to work, what happens to keystones when they became corrupted and more. How each POE 3.7 keystone alteration came to be? Related details as below:

Designing the Legion jewels part one

Designing the Legion jewels part two

Designing the Legion jewels part three

Path of Exile 3.7 Legion League Jewels Guide - POE 3.7 Legion Jewels List & Contents

Glorious Vanity is the first introduced POE Legion Jewels through 3.7.0 expansion, then the other Timeless Jewels has been revealed now. Timeless Jewel: Glorious Vanity, Brutal Restraint, Elegant Hubris, Lethal Pride, Militant Faith.

Here is the list of POE Legion Jewels come from the five POE 3.7 Timeless Jewels when sacrificed in different name with different effect:

1. Vaal (from Glorious Vanity)

Divine Flesh - Xibaqua

All Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield

50% of Elemental Damage taken as Chaos Damage

+10% to maximum Chaos Resistance

Eternal Youth - Zerphi

50% less Life Regeneration Rate

50% less maximum Total Recovery per Second from Life Leech

Energy Shield Recharge instead applies to Life

Corrupted Soul - Doryani

50% of Non-Chaos Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield

Gain 20% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield

2. Karui (from Lethal Pride)

Strength of Blood - Kaom

Recovery from Life Leech is not applied

1% less Damage taken for every 2% Recovery per second from Life Leech

Tempered by War - Rakiata

50% of Cold and Lightning Damage taken as Fire Damage

50% less Cold Resistance

50% less Lightning Resistance

Glancing Blows - Kiloava

Chance to Block Attack Damage is doubled

Chance to Block Spell Damage is doubled

You take 50% of Damage from Blocked Hits

3. Maraketh (from Brutal Restraint)

Wind Dancer - Deshret

20% less Damage taken if you haven't been Hit Recently

40% less Evasion Rating if you haven't been Hit Recently

20% more Evasion Rating if you've been Hit Recently

Dance with Death - Asenath

Can't use Helmets

Your Critical Strike Chance is Lucky

Your Damage with Critical Strikes is Lucky

Enemies' Damage with Critical Strikes against you is Lucky

Second Sight - Nasima

You are Blind

Blind does not affect your Light Radius

25% more Melee Critical Strike Chance while Blinded

4. Templar (from Militant Faith)

The Agnostic - Venarius

Maximum Energy Shield is 0

While not on Full Life, Sacrifice 20% of Mana per Second to Recover that much Life

Inner Conviction - Dominus

3% more Spell Damage per Power Charge

Gain Power Charges instead of Frenzy Charges

Power of Purpose - Avarius

80% of Maximum Mana is Converted to twice that much Armour

5. Eternal (from Elegant Hubris)

Supreme Decadence - Cadiro

Life Recovery from Flasks also applies to Energy Shield

30% less Life Recovery from Flasks

Supreme Grandstanding- Victario

Nearby Allies and Enemies Share Charges with you

Enemies Hitting you have 10% chance to gain an Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge

Supreme Ego - Chitus

You can only have one Aura on you from your Skills

Your Aura Skills do not affect Allies

50% more Effect of Auras from your Skills on you

50% more Mana Reserved

POE 3.7 Jewels New Features, Changes & Effects (POE 3.7.0 Patch Notes)

- Discover powerful new jewels that drastically alter your Passive Skill Tree from each of the 5 legions.

- Added 15 new keystones to the Passive Skill Tree, visible only when you have one of the new unique jewels introduced in Legion socketed.

- The values on Life, Mana and Energy Shield modifiers on Abyssal Jewels have been reduced, and the top tiers made rarer relative to lower tiers. The top roll for these modifiers is now 40 (from 50). Divining existing jewels will update them to these new values, so don't do that unless you're hoping to create one of those 'viral videos' that are all the rage these days.

- Added damage of all types on Abyssal Jewels has also been lowered, by about 30% at the top end, scaling down to lower tiers. Top tiers of these have also become rarer. This is true for all top-tier added damage modifiers on Abyssal Jewels, including caster and summoner ones.

- Weapon-specific increased physical damage modifiers on Jewels now apply to all damage types, not just physical. This affects all existing jewels with these modifiers. The values have not changed.


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