
Path Of Exile 3.6.3B Patch Notes - New Update & Adjustments To Synthesis Are Arriving In Patch 3.6.3B

4/3/2019 11:24:41 AM

in order to give players a better in-game experience, grinding gear game has been working on the path of exile synthesis league improvements and various fixes, that the new poe update 3.6.3b is going to be rolled out this week on pc and consoles. as often seems to be with updates to path of exile synthesis, this one appears to be loaded with fixes. now goldkk.com will be sharing you a preview of path of exile 3.6.3b patch notes.

path of exile 3.6.3b patch notes

path of exile 3.6.3b patch notes - bug fixes & new changes of poe patch 3.6.3b

synthesis fixes

- fixed a bug where memory stabilizers in decaying memory would pull items onto players as they approached, not just when they were activated. this is happening now only in memories that are not receding.

- essences and fossils can now be used on fractured items.

- fixed a bug where an aura was surrounded by march of the legion unique boosts would not be supported by blessing if aura was also supported by arcane surge support. 

- abysses will no longer spawn in memories. abysses could be nice now and then when you'd get a lucky fissure going straight towards a stabilizer, but it didn't happen much. considering the semi-erratic nature of breaches and the inaccessible areas of the memories, this is like the best fix, since this means they would have to re-do the whole abyss logic just for the memories and that means breaking a solid and tested mechanic just to adapt it to a new one that might or might not go core.

- the synthesis beach tutorial memory will no longer spawn for players above level 25. which means you actually have to interact with the league and not just play it like an incursion.

- fixed a bug where you could be frozen in decay but still be able to move.

- fixed a bug where returning to your memory nexus from the memory void could misallocate ownership of the area to another player if your memory nexus is closed before.  

- increased the potency of the "x% increased rarity of items found" implicit amulet modifiers created by the synthesiser.

related read: path of exile synthesis mods guide

miscellaneous fixes

- fixed two instance crashes.

- added minimap icons to betrayal transportation carts.

- various beasts in your bestiary are now hidden unless you have already captured them.

- fixed a bug where the “life and mana leech are instant in effect” modifier found that the energy shield leech caused by the legacy vessel of vinktar unique flasks was instant. 

- fixed a bug where the “spell damage and non-chaos damage as additional chaos damage” veil modifier showing that it can be applied to bows when it cannot. 

- you can now disperse the master from your hideout through the decorations panel. 

- fixed a bug where the visual effect of the blast rain was greater than expected. it's just a visual problem.

- fixed a bug where you could enter a situation where all betrayal targets were jobless, so no betrayal encounters could spawn. 

- fixed a bug where under certain conditions, the unique helmet ahn's contempt would trigger its "while at maximum power charges" modifier while you weren't at maximum power charges, and wouldn't when you were.

- fixed a bug where some raised spectres could not attack after you used an in-area entrance, such as entering a boss's room.

- blink arrow and mirror arrow can now be supported by volley and greater volley.

- jun now has an exclamation mark on her to complete a betrayal encounter in areas when you have a safehouse available. 

- fixed a bug where the modifiers in delve areas looked double. it’s just a visual problem. 

- fixed a bug where the locomancer achievement was not able to be completed.

- fixed a rare bug where there were not enough capturable beasts spawn in the riverways to prevent completion of the einhar mission. 

- fixed a bug where some of the crafted modifiers could not be replaced by another crafted modifiers. 

- poe patch 3.6.3 fixed a bug. if you die after killing the depraved trinity, your checkpoint will be misplaced in the boss’s arena.

- fixed a bug that if the reservation cost is 0 and you only have 1 life, you can’t reserve life for a skill. which means you can reserve any aura that has 100% reduced mana reservation,like some uniques grant.

- indoor areas in the temple of atzoatl now use the correct music and ambiance audio.

- fixed a bug where the “no physical damage” modifier could not prevent physical damage when the mass exceeded 20%.

- fixed a bug that if you died in an encounter and consumed the final map portal, you could not enter the elder guardian or elder encounters.

- fixed a bug that even if you have completed the challenge, you will be notified of the failure challenge. it was really useful for carries or just people who help others to get challenges. it's just gonna make things unclear.

- fixed a bug where the vaal invasion prophecy applied the wrong environment to the lunaris temple when it was triggered.

- fixed a rare visual bug where the ground seemed to move underneath you. some people discuss on patch 3.6.3b poe reddit that if this is the bug that would happen in certain prophecy areas, then that's kind of a shame because it looked pretty neat. makes sense that it was a bug though.

- fixed a bug where the flames on the undertaker gloves and undertaker boots microtransactions were invisible when equipped with scion.

hope you enjoy this 3.6.3b poe patch notes preview! we’ll keep working on further improvements and update news about upcoming poe synthesis changes as soon as they’re announced. if you are finding a reliable poe currency or poe items seller to help you level up or easy to explore areas in synthesis, then goldkk.com can be your best choice!