
Rocket League Speed Boost And Mechanics Training Tutorials - How To Improve Your Speed And Mechanics Effectively

12/29/2018 4:59:33 PM

unlike the positioning and rotations in rocket league, it is hard to get the better mechanics and obviously faster in the game, in this rocket league tutorials, goldkk.com will introduce how to improve your speed and mechanics effectively to change the slow speed and inconsistent mechanics issues. keep practicing and complete more matches to earn rocket league xp and random items during the 2xp holiday weekend.



rocket league speed boost and mechanics training tips tutorial

1. hard hits
the main thing you need focus on is hitting the ball hard, the first step in this process with boom, you can get into the free play and hit the ball, other ways to hit the ball hard in rocket league including bounce shots aerials and pinches.


2. follow up hits

all levels players can apply it, once you get the initial hard hit, you need to follow up that hit, the key to become a faster rocket league player is getting quicker follow updates, after you got one clean hard hit, go to the ball as fast and as efficiently as possible in free play, if you missed the ball, you can work on your wavedashes, double jumping back to the ground and doing quick diagonal flips to get into the ball.

all of the pace is as fast as you can handle and you transitioning as many of those follow-up hits as you can, if you wait and get a better angle so you can get a higher quality hit, it is important to know winner would be inefficient to go to the ball really quick because you're sacrificing the actual quality of the head, if you have trouble with hitting the ball off the ground like a bounce clear or a bounce shot and you have trouble with it then i suggest doing this is basically a pretty simple drill to improve the quality and consistency of your power shots or make power hits to be clear.

hit the ball against the side wall and turn your car in the opposite direction and let the ball bounce off the ground one time, then on the second bounce, you want to be doing another half-volley towards the same sidewall and repeat that process and do as many of them as you can get in a row. it's really important not to jump when you're on the ramp because let the ramp bring you in the air without jumping and if you do it right, the ball should hit the ball a little bit higher than your car and you want to be landing on the wall with all four of your rocket league wheels and then quickly jump off the wall and follow it up.

last thing is using custom training to make your speed boost and mechanics training obviously, custom training is allow you to get really consistent at a very particular type of shot, there are a lot of fantastic training packs out there that you can use, but if you really want to focus on improving your speed, you need to be challenging yourself to do new things and go to the ball faster rather than doing the same shot every time, so at first when you're trying to go as fast as, you can focus getting any touch on the ball and once you can consistently at least touch the ball that fast pace then from there try to improve your accuracy and precision while maintaining fast pace.

just keep practicing and your rocket league mechanics and gameplay speed will improve so much, get way faster like all that air rolling and boost management and flipping into the ball in a way where you get there really efficiently and you actually make contact with it, it obviously helps you with his exact situation where you land on the ball and need to get a quick follow-up hit but it also helps improve your general speed and you get better at so many different mechanics.getting as many hard hits and follow-up hits as you can, these two effective tips will really help you improve your mechanics and get a lot faster and most importantly avoiding hits that aren't productive.



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