
Path Of Exile 3.6 Synthesis Best Builds - 5 Starter Builds For Poe Synthesis League (2019)

3/8/2019 2:25:57 PM

path of exile synthesis expansion is here, introducing unique progression, a new challenge league as well as new memory dungeons that offer some valuable rewards. here we present a useful guide for best path of exile synthesis starter builds for players looking to get a good start in the latest season for the ongoing free-to-play action role-playing video game.

path of exile 3.6 synthesis best builds - starter builds


path of exile synthesis league

the new three-month path of exile synthesis league is released on march 8th, 2019, adding new areas, a challenge league and an npc with a unique questline. in poe synthesis league, players will encounter the new npc - lingering spirit cavas who lost his memory and it's up to players to help him regain his lost memories by delving into them in search of answers and, of course, loot, including the new fractured and synthesized item types. with new league-specific mechanics, new skill gems, new poe unique items, balance adjustments to existing skills, and a whole lot more, there’s something here for pretty much everyone.

5 best poe 3.6 builds for starting path of exile synthesis league

to help players to level up new characters fast or farm up existing new poe items on the new quests and dungeons, here we present 5 best poe starter builds on a reasonable budget for starting path of exile 3.6 synthesis league on all platforms ps4, xbox one, and (steam) pc, from great boss killers with high single target damage to fast mappers with great aoe! also you can find guide for the poe synthesis 3.6 atlas maps to shape strategy here.

poe 3.6 incinerate elementalist build - dragon’s breath elementalist

> high life pool, goes over 7.5k life for uber elder fight

> high damage, ~3 million shaper dps (see shaper demolition video)

> good clear speed, huge aoe
> all content viable

click here to find the complete guide for this build

the first build we want to present is an incinerate elementalist, incinerate is a channeling skill that goes through eight stages, longer you channel it the bigger it grows. when you stop channeling you release a wave of fire in a destructive girthy area, igniting everything in its path and dealing up to 500% more damage. this build is played as the elementalist ascendancy, this will help you build your direct damage, increase your area of effect and provide additional herald utility. in synthesis, incinerate received a buff and like many other smells, it is now cheaper to sustain but it's area-of-effect and high-level damage also received a notable buff. so our science build can do any constant in the game.

related read: path of exile 3.6 templar purifying flame inquisitor build guide


poe 3.6 herald of agony block gladiator build - über elder viable

> extremely tanky, you are immortal 83% of the time

> can do all map mods & content

> works well on a budget

click here to find the complete guide for this build

coming up third on the list is a try element trevor by mr. mo ho a belt i featured in the past but due to some powerful buffs to shock nova and ice trap i thought it was worth a revisit this set up cycles primarily through three different trap skills namely fire trap ice trap and chuck noblet ramp by traveller's rep skills of course but in order to use shock nova as a trapped skill it needs to be linked with the tramp support gym this now allows you to cast it as a trap and just as importantly to scale it near trap modifiers to fight trap is used as your main single target damage dealing source ice type is used for paint clearing and shutting over trap is used for pretty much anything as it serves two goals dealing damage of course but also shocking enemies making them take further damage from all the damage sources - like it - other trap skills for instance as december - are ascendency you unlock powerful damage bonuses to your tramps but also amazing defensive utilities such as being able to bind nearby enemies and having high amounts of life regeneration etc the spell does not fully lace a type of player though it requires you to shovel through various skills to make the best of it but if you do you also end up with a pretty solid and interesting built.


poe 3.6 tri-element trapper saboteur build - fire, ice & shock nova trap

> can run pretty much any map mod (although no life and mana reg can be a major pain)

> no mandatory gear

> fast screen-clearing

> can get a decently high life and es pool (5k+ life and 2.5k-3.5k es(depending on your gear)

> atziri, izaro and high tier maps ain't no problem, uber atziri, shaper and t15 elder viable

> can deal with every guardian

click here to find the complete guide for this build

coming up third on the list is a tri-element trapper, a build we featured in the past but due to some powerful buffs to shock nova and ice trap we thought it was worth a revisit. this set up cycles primarily through three different trap skills namely fire trap, ice trap and shock novas trap. by trapper's rep skills of course but in order to use shock novas as a trapped skill, it needs to be linked with the trap support gem. this now allows you to cast it as a trap and just as importantly to scale it near trap modifiers to. fire trap is used as your main single target damage dealing source, ice type is used for paint clearing, and shock novas trap is used for pretty much anything as it serves two goals dealing damage of course but also shocking enemies making them take further damage from all the damage sources - like it - other trap skills for instance. as using ascendency, you unlock powerful damage bonuses to your traps but also amazing defensive utilities such as being able to bind nearby enemies, and having high amounts of life regeneration etc. the spell does not fully lace a type of player though it requires you to shovel through various skills to make the best of it, but if you do you also end up with a pretty solid and interesting build.


3.6 storm brand inquisitor build - beginner friendly & ssf/league start viable

> beginner and league starter friendly

> gearing is straightforward, not that many buttons to press

click here to find the complete guide for this build

the fourth build on the list is a storm brand inquisitor. now we know what you're all thinking storm brand wasn't that just nerfed, and yes it was 10 points to gryffindor but it's important to remember that nerfing something does not necessarily make it useless. storm brand damage was nerfed roughly by 25% overall but to prove it still solid thean took out his hyperthermia support gem on his 3.5 character, which according to him for his setup amounts to around 40% something more damage. he then proceeded to kill über elder on his five link and did it rather convincingly. so to reiterate for the hufflepuff, sent their storm brand is still perfectly viable and a solid skill for a late starter. this build is plain sd inquisitor this allows him to effectively scale critical strike chains, and critical damage while also receiving generous buff's to both a check-in can speed, but most importantly the inquisitors inevitable judgment allows critical strikes to ignore enemy elements for resistances and dust yield the intended full amount of damage. this is especially powerful against bosses who typically have high inherent resistances, as long as the critical strike chance is high enough to reliably deliver crits, this is a very powerful ascendancy and probably utilized. we featured other builds of this before, and for good reason it takes time to probably test his builds and makes an effort to provide a solid guide for people wanting to straighten them out for themselves.

related read: path of exile 3.6 witch winter orb builds guide


poe 3.6 spark inquisitor build - fastest endgame farming

> strong leveling / league starter 

> one of the fastest endgame farming builds

click here to find the complete guide for this build

the fifth and final build on the list is a spark inquisitor build. another bulid we featured in the past but wihich was also just buffed in the recent pinch and now deserves a revisiting. spark is a lightning projectile spell, when you cast a spell you spawn unpredictable sparks to move around in the near area until they expire. with enough cast, you can efficiently cover a massive area with tons of small spark projectiles moving around providing excellent clear potential. if hitting environment or terrain, the spark reject spells will bounce off and move in another direction. normally a spark project we look at consumed or expire once it hits an enemy, however if you add a way of piercing with the project's house these are after a short duration able to hit the same target again potentially giving a far higher amount of damage per cast than regularly. before path of exile 3.6, a spark projectile cast could hit the same enemy again one second after the initial hit, this has been reduced to 0.62 six seconds now meaning the projectile can hit the same target more frequently. besides this spark also received a notable damage buff at high levels based on spell like dean's is played as the inquisitor for pretty much the same reasons - like ignoring enemy elemental resistances and it can speed entire critical strike chains in damage of course. while this best starter builds has several expensive items showcased these are merely suggestions for late game rather than requirements, as you play the build, you will generate poe currency or we hope so at least and eventually you'll be able to afford the items listed.

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