
rocket league limited wheels were only available for a set period of time before they were removed from the drop list, such as the seasons' rewards, rlcs fan rewards, wwe wheels etc. however, the rocket league limited wheels can still be traded to other players except for the competitive season rewards. no doubt, limited rocket league items are always valuable, some of the limited wheels cost 100+ keys in the market, such as the goldstone wheels, z-plate, and apex. here we present a list of the rocket league limited wheels prices you can currently find in rocket league trading, including the available painted colors.

rocket league import wheels can only be obtained from crates, commonly from the special event crates such as haunted hallows crate, spring fever crate. so they are always designed with the special exclusive themed element and can be painted with 12 different colors. most of these import wheels are favorable in the rl items market, only cost 2-10 keys for each one. so if you want to make your car in the budget, these type of wheels are your first choice. with below rocket league import wheels prices index, you can check out the prices in keys for each item painted in different color on each platform.

keep in mind our rocket league limited & import wheels prices list are also updated daily according to the trades happened in the market every day. so welcome to check back every day for the instant prices. 
